Example sentences of "[is] only [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 She 's only to give an envelope to Louise .
2 Even if it 's only to give you the confidence you know
3 Matthew 's brown eyes were everywhere ; occasionally they met Wycliffe 's only to flit away again .
4 I mention that not in any boastful sense it 's only to reassure you that if I can do that then I , I ca n't be very much out of giving the wrong gen .
5 That 's only to advertise the place though is n't it ?
6 You recognise the anger you feel against your parents , but at this stage there 's little point in contacting them if it 's only to unload your bitterness .
7 Er , certainly I 'm sure Rachel shares her information , even if it 's only to say , you ca n't watch that because something else is on Channel Four at the same time .
8 It 's only to create an impression when you 're doing it in the day time .
9 It 's only to get rid of junk though mind .
10 Yeah it 's only to keep the itching under control .
11 Er , well it 's only to protect that .
12 They 've liaised with other organisations to make sure I 've got somebody coming in , even if it 's only to make me something to eat .
13 To claim that explanation in geography can go no further is only to say that it is inadequate to its task , and ignores the fact that many geographers are going further :
14 They exist ‘ merely as a means ’ which is only to say that , lacking language and self-consciousness , they are unable to plan and debate projects of their own as do moral agents .
15 does she agree that there 's something bizarre in er I certainly agree successful experiment it bringing to an end because it 's a successful experiment , er clearly the policy is only to continue with unsuccessful experiments .
16 and I considered whether it would be wise to write about the early history , but as my purpose is only to demonstrate .
17 The important point here , as everywhere , is only to use it when it is appropriate .
18 Both topics covered have been studied in much greater depth than we have space to discuss here , but our intention is only to illustrate the breadth of applicability of the B & B philosophy .
19 One of the great bonuses of The Third Age is time — time to spare for other people , even if it is only to listen to what they have to say .
20 The purpose of the meeting is only to record conversations .
21 The debtor remains in a sense owner ; he has a new sort of equitable ownership , ‘ an equity of redemption ’ , which he is only to lose after the court has given him ample opportunity to repay , and it becomes plain to the court that he can not or will not pay .
22 The one-year course is only to lay down the foundations of good technical training — and it is widely recognised that the course simply pushes the student into the profession with enough practical experience to find his or her feet .
23 My aim is only to point out that the situation is more complex than a simple division between ‘ Western monotheism ’ and ‘ Eastern polytheism ’ .
24 To neglect maintenance , however , is only to shift the burden from one part of the household budget to another .
25 ‘ If we suffer in life , it is only to earn our way into His Celestial Mansion when we die . ’
26 Now , of course , it may well be that such a vision exists in your church , and that to insist on the importance of spiritual warfare , some of you might say , is only to preach to the converted .
27 Therefore the point of this section is only to draw attention to some aspects of intellectual and administrative change that can be more easily observed in a discussion on sources than in a more general context .
28 ( It will also have been a waste if the outcome is only to soften up British buyers for Japanese companies to rush in and sell us microcomputers as they have previously sold us domestic electronic equipment . )
29 To see more deeply is only to see what Eliot found in the epigraph from Heart of Darkness which he thought might have been ‘ somewhat elucidative ’ for The Waste Land .
30 It is only to see the dentist and escape the heat .
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