Example sentences of "[is] also [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is also every snowboarder 's nightmare of having one foot in , one foot out .
2 While there is some justification for arguing that industries never mature ( or only over an extremely long time-span ) , there is also every justification for arguing that products often do have life-cycles short enough to make sense of this type of analysis .
3 From lst October 1990 , there is also a new scheme called GIFT AID which allows you to give sums of £600 or more to a charity tax-effectively ( with a maximum of £5 million for your total charitable donations in any one tax year ) .
4 There is adequate historical data about the Sistine Chapel , but there is also a personal response :
5 He is also a self-styled haji , or Muslim holy man .
6 He is a hero , with a hero 's faults : an achiever and an adventurer who is also a victim and an outcast , a shameful man and a faithful family man .
7 The testimonies in the book were obtained mostly from the underlings of the house , led by sly , supportive Bert , a man who was able to take and to give pleasure — a fine portrait , which is also a self-portrait , of a second father .
8 It can be said of these strong-minded and independently gifted accomplices that their work shows a dimension of reciprocity and replication , of the production unit , which stands at an appreciable remove from parody and plagiarism , and from the mimicry of other people 's voices which is comprehended in the term ‘ ventriloquism ’ , which Amis goes in for in private , among friends , and which is also a pleasure of the novels he writes .
9 But he is also a writer of remarkable ability who has managed to capture and to keep the readership he has bewildered and delighted and offended , and whose work is strong in an intelligent and generous-hearted awareness of public matters , some of them quite remote from the Family Roth : The Counterlife , for instance , carries a telling serio-comic critique of the hard line in Israel , the Israeli toughness , that refuses to ‘ give ground ’ .
10 Singer 's religion is also a feeling for the power of the community to censure and reject .
11 Drink figures in the novel , in precisely rendered scenes , as a bastion of the culture which is also a slow death .
12 The absence of punctuation is also a part of the style -but in spite of this you can sense the character struggling to articulate her thoughts clearly .
13 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
14 The historical consciousness of Ulster protestants in this sphere is also a faith consciousness .
15 PIRA is a proscribed organization and there is also a law preventing the national radio and television , RTE , from giving air time to members of the movement .
16 It is also a fairly obvious statement to say that historic pubs have served the function well for hundreds of years .
17 My advice to Mr Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine , as this is also a field which requires a lot of dedication , perseverance and long hours if one is to achieve anything worthwhile .
18 Moutarde de Dijon is also a basic element of other cold sauces .
19 The book is also a work of art .
20 Sir Michael Balcon of Ealing Studio fame , who named the policeman George Dixon in the film The Blue Lamp after his old school is also a son of the city .
21 It is also a good idea to make covers of some kind for the trailer tyres .
22 Sniffing is also a cheap and easy substitute for alcohol and can be a pleasurable experience .
23 In many ways it is also a partnership .
24 There is also a wealth of support and expertise throughout the health service to turn to when you need help .
25 This somewhat idiosyncratic interpretation is no doubt coloured by the specificities of French history , yet there is little doubt that the British police system is also a political construction of the nineteenth century , created to contain the potential in the newly urbanized working classes for mob disorder , which the excesses of the military had seemed likely to exacerbate rather than disperse .
26 The coach is also a great help in controlling anxiety , and the right kind of pep talk can work wonders .
27 This is also a ‘ dead time ’ during which you can profitably respond .
28 Our questions ranged far and wide and his courtesy and patience turned them into an intriguing trail of discovery which was endlessly fascinating and richly rewarding , for he is also a natural raconteur .
29 There is also a rare chance to watch some of the lesser known British players trying their luck against more famous visitors from overseas , or even challenging their more experienced compatriots .
30 The use of small glue blocks along the inside of the joint is also a good idea .
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