Example sentences of "[is] not of " in BNC.

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1 But Leonard is not of that cloth ; his nature is obsessive ; what he does , he must do with abandon ; he has to work in total conviction , and dedication .
2 Annoyed as we may be at having the cardinal terms left thus undefined ( for Pound proceeds no further towards defining them ) , we are compelled to see that this criticism is not of the chalk-or-cheese , sheep-and-goats variety ; the discrimination proposed is more subtle — between a quality in poetry that is ‘ nearly always ’ a virtue ( ’ I can think of no case where it is not' ) , and an opposite quality that is ‘ not always ’ a fault .
3 Inevitably , the impression is not of unified excellence , but of a sort of march-past of British theatrical talent .
4 The plastic the French company uses for its interior trimmings is not of high quality and looks brittle and cheap , and in most places it sounds not to be screwed as tightly down as the designers originally intended .
5 Ileana Cotrubas is not of that ilk , and many of her devotees must have been shocked when it was disclosed last weekend that her Covent Garden recital with Geoffrey Parsons on Thursday evening was to be her farewell British appearance .
6 But the bulk of ‘ property ’ , in the modern sense of the word , is not of this kind .
7 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you , every male throughout your generations , he that is born in thy house , or bought with the money of any foreigner , that is not of thy seed …
8 Leicestershire won by 133 runs IN MAKING a laudable attempt to sustain interest in a foreshortened contest at Fenner 's , Leicestershire learnt something of long-term disadvantage : their spin-bowling is not of county championship quality .
9 It is not of course the case that the interaction between the major and minor keys actually has this quality — indeed there is no interaction as such — we project that feeling quality onto the structure .
10 A growing urban demand for food has tended to stimulate production in the larger and more commercialised enterprises , but this is not of necessity nor is it always the case .
11 Furthermore , the Act allows pupils ' family backgrounds , ages and aptitudes to be taken into account by the school in determining whether an act of collective worship which is not of a broadly Christian character takes place in the school .
12 As with males , this is not a reference to the side-effects of hot-blooded Latin lovers , but means any object that is found in the body but is not of the body .
13 The dominant memory I have of Skail , however , is not of psalm-singing Mrs Mackay , but of her porridge , dished up each morning with malignant glee .
14 The most important point , however , that emerged from Hartner 's investigation was that by 503 BC the Babylonian astronomer-priests had discovered that the tropical year ( the year of the seasons ) is not of exactly the same length as the sidereal year ( the ‘ true ’ astronomical year ) .
15 Since this is the rationale behind treatment of the operated transsexual — namely , causing the physiological profile to conform as much as possible to the gender identity — it is not of itself outrageous .
16 Cost is not of course necessarily the major consideration ; none of the people the project sustained to six months or one year wanted to be anywhere else but at home .
17 It is not of course the criminal acts themselves which draw the majority together , but the publicising and punishing of crime , with the public trial of law-breakers also helping to clarify the boundaries of socially acceptable behaviour .
18 But this sound is not of this world for other sounds are heard distinctly and cause this sound to die , though it returns with the silence .
19 The true love relationship is not of the ordinary world , this meeting is of another world , partly of emotions and partly of the mystical .
20 However , my tale is not of legs and the man .
21 The picture which emerges is not of a remedy in rem in the sense of an initial action granted against third parties in possession of the property under trust ; instead the missio was a means of execution against third parties which was available following a normal action in personam .
22 If it is not of mutual benefit it is no partnership at all , more a relationship of a parasite to host .
23 — Australia post claims that the delay is not of its making , ’ says reader Carr , ‘ and hints darkly that every package from Singapore raises suspicions in Customs Dept , as a possible vehicle for drug-smuggling , so is shoved into the ‘ hold for inspection ’ bay . ’
24 Actually , the way helical molecules pack together is not of great interest because their structures are too rigidly determined and unyielding .
25 The older generation have greater maturity and insights which they can usefully contribute , even though the situation is not of their making .
26 But this detail is not of such great import that you should be put off sampling what is a most absorbing set .
27 Margaret is a girl of only three years and is not of suitable age to take over this kingdom .
28 In his failure to sound the horn in time there is tragedy , but it is not of a very complicated kind .
29 This does not mean that among those species not possessing Tursiops ’ style of sonar equipment , sonar is not of such importance to them .
30 At the present stage of scientific development , it is surely sad that a healthy human fetus should be destroyed merely because it is not of the sex the mother prefers .
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