Example sentences of "[is] [to-vb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The Lord Chief Justice , Lord Lane , who at one time rejected an appeal against the conviction of the Birmingham Six , is to retire and be replaced by Lord Justice Taylor .
2 The Marr technique of painting is to go and visit the subject , where she makes copious notes on eye colour and other little idiosyncrasies that will help catch the soul of the dog .
3 I will write again as soon as Ferdinando hears he is to go and when I do you must prepare Oreste for the change Ellen so that it is not sprung on him .
4 I think if you feel like that , the great thing is to go and punch a cushion — let off steam somehow or other But , if possible , do n't let it off on your carer !
5 By November it has usually been decided where the money is to go and a presentation evening is arranged .
6 Anger is common reaction , and one way to help overcome this distress is to go and discuss what happened with your vet .
7 Generally , the only way to find something out is to go and see the individual concerned ; however , appointments can not be made when the phone refuses to work .
8 Here the philosophy is to go and find the clients in a range of sectors which have a compatible style and approach leaving the other clients to seek their executive search needs elsewhere .
9 The best and most reliable way to get good information — there is no comparison — is to go and see roses actually growing .
10 Sir Jack Brabham says he 's never been so excited about a new motor car and the challenge is to go and take on the best
11 Beauracrats , teachers and pupils say the only way parents can judge a school is to go and take a look at it
12 Oh mostly that really , supposedly going to America in February the sixth and the doctor , she said to the doctor what 's the matter and he said you 're really , really run down then he said to her what I suggest you do is to go and buy some cartons of fresh orange juice , a jar of honey and some natural live yoghurt and she 's ate it all , now she 's got diarrhoea ca n't win can ya ?
13 What I am seeking to do is to go and support Conservative candidates up and down the country and I 'm supporting many of them during this local election campaign .
14 During the transfer to your resort , they will answer your questions and later , at a welcome meeting , will tell you all you need to know about your location ; including what there is to see and do .
15 Like this it is at once a moment of knowledge ( " to understand reality is to see and understand things in their connectedness and their interpretation , one to the other " ) and moment of praxis ( synthesis ) whose material embodiment is the process of modelling ( forming : here both in terms of cognitive modelling , including the modeling of meaning and the extension of this modelling , with all its reciprocal interactions ) .
16 The second is the principle of integrity in adjudication : it asks those responsible for deciding what the law is to see and enforce it as coherent in that way .
17 He wrote : The big thing in developing the United Front is to agitate and bring the masses into activity around the particular issues and to get organisation ( Committees ) , expressing and representing the actual character of the movement .
18 Its purpose is to diagnose and remedy weaknesses rather than to exclude from further study the students who do not perform well .
19 The effect of such imagery is to enrich or enlarge our concept of the male , or of what may truly be said to be ‘ masculine ’ .
20 This will continue to be the primary means by which people are enabled to live normal lives in community settings … the first task of publicly provided services is to support and where possible strengthen these networks of carers ( Griffiths , 1988 , p. 5 ) .
21 Is to support and to build up and to bolster the Prime Minister ?
22 Try putting yourself at five or six hundred feet directly over the landing area of your gliding site and see for yourself how difficult it is to plan and make a spot landing .
23 As already indicated , the function of these committees is to plan and oversee the form taken by the project within the school in question .
24 As Palmerston put it in the mid-19th century , ministers , especially the Prime Minister , must be able to defend themselves in Parliament daily , ‘ and in order to do this they must be minutely acquainted with all the details of the business of their offices , and the only way of being constantly armed with such information is to conduct and direct those details themselves ’ .
25 A committee of MPs is to conduct and urgent inquiry into the running of the Child Support Agency , the organization set up earlier this year to track down absent fathers and extract maintenance payments .
26 They claim ‘ AT&T 's real motivation is to harass and to attempt to intimidate a potential competitor ’ and ‘ to maintain a monopoly of the Unix System market by suing anyone who refuses to tithe to them . ’
27 So as to avoid any political consideration of policies , the auditor 's brief is to monitor and report upon agencies ' and departments ' approaches for monitoring and reviewing their own effectiveness .
28 Essentially the engineer 's role is to monitor and supervise the construction and to ensure that the works are completed to time , cost and colour .
29 ‘ There 's only one way to find out , ’ said David smoothly , ‘ and that 's to go and see for yourself .
30 In studying the political economy of policy co-ordination , the plan is to compare and contrast the results of non-cooperative policy formation using computer programmes for policy design , ( with the aid of macroeconomic models where feasible ) .
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