Example sentences of "[to-vb] money at " in BNC.

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1 Most of us need to borrow money at some time or another .
2 Nor , said Thomas Gisborne in 1795 , must he himself disdain to borrow money at the appropriate moment if he is not to put his credit to real and serious hazard .
3 It would still be reasonable to suspect that someone prepared to borrow money at high rates of interest was likely to be particularly vulnerable , even if there is now little surviving residue of the old suspicion or disapproval of interest-bearing credit on ethical grounds .
4 Very few of us go through life without needing to borrow money at some time or other .
5 " Then they have to go to the Chinese to borrow money at highwaymen 's rates .
6 If people do not pay the Council will have to borrow money at current high interest rates to pay its bills ( including bills for trying to collect the tax ) and that can only mean higher poll tax bills next year .
7 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
8 For , it requires banks to keep money at call with the discount houses to a minimum of 2% per cent of their eligible liabilities .
9 to get money at at
10 With their teams of lawyers , accountants and company agents , and able to transfer money at the push of a computer button , the launderers dodge through the maze of the different countries ' jurisdictions creating a trail so complex that investigators , never mind the banks , find it almost impossible to spot what is going on .
11 Other UN agencies started to throw money at the problems of the territories , for example both Unicef and UNDP provided money for activities selected and overseen by the Israeli authorities , thus — however innocent the intention — allowing aid to become an instrument of control rather than support for independent development .
12 wants to throw money at the NHS .
13 It is inappropriate simply to throw money at these problems in the hope that they will be consequently solved , since the resources available for deployment are necessarily limited .
14 However , when it comes to the central problem faced by the Secretary of State and his colleagues — that of being re-elected — their only solution is to throw money at it , providing that it is not their money or that of their supporters but taxpayers ' money .
15 ‘ It worries me that impresarios are using the Russian label to make money at the expense of companies like us , like the Scottish and Northern Ballet .
16 I was not desperate to make money at that time , rather I thought of helping her with the commission she would take .
17 ‘ Perhaps an astronaut who fell into a black hole would be able to make money at roulette by remembering where the ball went before he placed his bet .
18 But since the majority were likely to leave sooner , it was argued , " they want to make money at once " .
19 So perhaps an astronaut who fell into a black hole would be able to make money at roulette by remembering where the ball went before he placed his bet .
20 It will be as though twenty years have slipped away , and Gerda is sitting by my side at the Volksoper , and Georg is at home , a nice normal , cheerful little boy , and our farm is beginning to make money at last , and the future looks wonderful . ’
21 In the guilds , ’ the young man continued , ‘ there are always small groups or societies prepared to lend money at high interest rates to the nobles or to other merchants .
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