Example sentences of "[to-vb] again at " in BNC.

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1 Resident Magistrate Harry Hall remanded Caldwell in custody to appear again at Crumlin Road courthouse on October 1 .
2 But the new financing structure collapsed under them and , as the cultural energy build up during the 1939–45 period became depleted , these filmmakers were only occasionally to work again at the same level of intensity .
3 ‘ Let's have a picnic , ’ she said , telling herself that next week she would make a real effort to work again at the practice of virtue .
4 Professional advice was important to the MPs fighting the Representation of the People Bill and National Union committees began to meet again at every level to discuss the Bill 's consequences for the party .
5 But the two crews are likely to meet again at Henley and the scene is set for a classic confrontation .
6 And washing up , morn , noon and neet , And bowls to scald , and milk to fleet , And bairns to fetch again at neet !
7 Theda was left to stare again at her reflection , all her pleasure in the delectable peach gown destroyed .
8 With the franchise bids for Channel 3 close to completion and the date set for the advertising of Channel 5 franchises it is timely to look again at the possibilities in the new channel , and in particular at the potential for ‘ city television ’ .
9 So perhaps another note for Mr Patten 's no doubt very full in-tray is to look again at the decision to close down the body responsible for developing Milton Keynes , and start a new government initiative to encourage more new settlements throughout the region , rather than leaving it to private consortia to chance their arms through a development control system which seems unable to accommodate new initiatives in planning .
10 Mr Trippier , who was said to be expressing the views of his constituents , wrote to Mr Kenneth Clarke on November 24 asking him to look again at the original 6.5 per cent pay offer , saying it was not fair .
11 The Jockey Club has announced it is to look again at the appeals procedure available to parties involved in disciplinary hearings .
12 Since then only a few have carried the flame in Europe and India , but recently the worldwide growth of homœopathy has started to look again at the LM potencies which Hahnemann describes , in a footnote to 270 as being ‘ the most powerful and at the same time mildest in action i.e. as the most perfected . ’
13 Sometimes they will go back to look again at a word which has been passed .
14 Going back go David 's desire for forgiveness I want to look again at what he said in verse 7 of Psalm 51 ‘ Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean . ’
15 Last month members of the national parliaments of the 21 nations belonging to the Council of Europe called on ministers to look again at setting up a international agency .
16 This it does by turning away in a deliberate manner and refusing to look again at the glowering face .
17 I must write to the Michelin and ask them to look again at the Fermette Marboeuf !
18 We can leave for the time being , however , the implications of his activist approach to Truth in order to look again at his concept of Truth as hitherto elucidated .
19 If we ask why Gandhi lays so much stress on the relation between Truth and ahi s , we have to look again at his view of the Self .
20 I hope that this series of articles may have encouraged you to look again at the various stitch patterns which your machine can produce .
21 The cookbook approach is plainly a second-best , and reformers may therefore be driven to look again at auditors ' independence .
22 Ministers are being asked to look again at halving the year-long entitlement to unemployment benefit .
23 They were forced to look again at their own system and make adjustments .
24 Was n't the original idea to look again at the application of science and technology to policing ?
25 The handicapped children who joined school forced us to look again at the provision we made for children .
26 We therefore found it necessary to look again at the empirical evidence about what goes on in the nuclear family — Who has the power ?
27 It is a nuisance and an invitation for him to look again at other forms of travel .
28 I think you need to look again at the bit I 've marked above where I could n't understand it , and try to clear up the problem .
29 But the Board now asks the general assembly to look again at this part of our remit and to form a judgment about where this work should be most effectively done in future .
30 Andy Cowle of the Keltic Bookshop , London , advises smaller ELT publishers to look again at Germany .
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