Example sentences of "[to-vb] out from " in BNC.

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1 Both Croatia and the Lebanon objected on the grounds that Sotheby 's had been far from complete in its discovery process , and was trying to slip out from the case before the evidence of Mr Camber was made available .
2 B Once Fokine had demonstrated that mimed dance and danced mime were the best materials to use in ballets where individual characters had to stand out from the rest of the cast , and particularly when true love did not run smoothly , other choreographers. followed suit .
3 And for those determined enough to stand out from the crowd by virtue of understatement , that may well be enough .
4 CUSTOM STANDARDS Manson ‘ Classic S ’ This handmade blend of the traditional and the modern aims to stand out from the crowd with its high-class simplicity and the best and latest in hardware …
5 John Mortimer ( Mail on Sunday ) certainly took his time getting to the book , and when he got there he was cliché-ridden enough and bland enough even to stand out from that bland and cliché-ridden paper : ‘ This is an important book which makes us face the fact that genius does n't go with happiness , or blandly acceptable opinions .
6 ‘ The mortgage market in the UK is a very mature one , ’ reflects Hendrik Vos , Marketing Manager , ‘ therefore you have to things exceptionally well to stand out from the crowd . ’
7 During the winter of 1908–9 , however , Picasso produced two very large canvases ( larger than any he was to produce until the summer of 1914 ) which seem to stand out from others that surround them and which have been the subject of much stimulating argument and discussion .
8 The unusual size was chosen to give more space to the visuals and to stand out from the standard A4 size so common in offices .
9 At any moment I expected one of the masters , placed at strategic intervals to stop a guy taking short cuts or lighting up a Havana cigar , to leap out from a place of concealment , brandishing The Times and bellowing , ‘ Come on , Britton !
10 Billy Graham like all such evangelists called for people from the congregation to make an immediate decision and to come out from the crowd ; and Ramsey wrote that the call for an immediate decision had danger because the mind could be stifled in the process and this could bring a later revenge in scepticism and indifference .
11 On the other hand they were available , recruiting them was simpler than persuading workers to come out from England , and they could never leave to work elsewhere .
12 The moon threatens to come out from behind the clouds again and I have to jump down to the paving stones of the patio beneath .
13 She also meet him m met him at lunchtime , because the steam coach used to come out from town , and bring the business men , the wealthier one , out .
14 Time to come out from under a cloud and enjoy yourself .
15 Time to come out from under a cloud and enjoy yourself .
16 Time to come out from under a cloud and enjoy yourself .
17 Er the home office really did n't know what they were talking about they gave these two models of the unpaid volunteer er no uniform , no training , no powers , to come out from the community work with the community under the eyes and ears of the police .
18 I think the one clear thing to come out from my study is that erm with very careful preparation and with adequate thought about teaching methods that a school can successfully go over to mixed ability teaching without any necessary impact on the standards of performance of the pupils , and this has really been justified recently in the O level results of pupils who have now been through the mixed ability system and finished their O levels in the school .
19 I think the one clear thing to come out from my study is that with very careful preparation and with adequate thought about teaching reference , that a school can successfully go over to mixed ability teaching without any necessary impact on the standards of performance of the pupils .
20 One of the most useful things we can do is to find out from people what they would really like to happen and try to facilitate this .
21 If he was to find out from you , his own daughter , just what Thacker gets up to behind his back — ‘
22 European ambassadors were last night trying to find out from Libyan authorities if the chanting of the mob reflected the view of Col Gaddafi .
23 We need to know far more than we currently do about the organised abuse of children — and we need to find out from survivors , both child and adult .
24 ‘ I involved myself by phoning the hotel to find out from the boss what was going on .
25 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
26 Carrying out preparatory investigations and interviews This is not always done , but some researchers , aware of the problems outlined in the discussion on forming hunches and hypotheses above , spend time at this early stage in conducting informal interviews with people in order to find out from them what the key issues are .
27 Alice even tried to find out from Muriel what Jasper 's plans might be , but as soon as Muriel heard Jasper 's name , she said briskly that in her opinion Andrew was " basically " a sound and useful cadre .
28 But I 'll I 'll have to find out from them , it may be that they do n't want me to send anybody else to it because I made the initial contact with them .
29 Erm yeah so so so you might be able to find out from the institute
30 Macmillan instructed his law officers , Sir John Hobson and Sir Peter Rawlinson , to find out from Profumo what the truth was .
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