Example sentences of "[to-vb] to on " in BNC.

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1 Judge Wroath had applied the right test and come to a decision which he was entitled to come to on the evidence before him .
2 Inside , in the warm living room , with a glass of chilled dry wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD , she was far from the tiredness she had claimed earlier .
3 There are radio programmes to listen to on a regular basis , to take away the aimlessness of a lie-in every morning .
4 Many mothers of sons never see them to talk to on their own from the day they marry , because their daughters-in-law always expect to be present on every conceivable occasion , and this is something that can build up a very understandable resentment .
5 Benny was also putting off telling her own parents about the accident , but she had to decide which of the two nuns to talk to on Eve 's behalf .
6 We are on the floor together : the door has to swing to on its own , as it is designed to do , though more for the sake of security than lovers .
7 I had to stop myself telling her that I had another party to go to on Christmas evening — just so I could stay home after everyone had left and stuff my face with leftovers .
8 Ground to go to on a date or otherwise ( 5 , 4 )
9 So if there 's anything she wants to go to on these nights , I tell her to go . ’
10 What I do n't do is pretend to be a socialist , organise five hundred pound a head er ticket dinners as Neil Kinnock does , champagne and then have the gall next day to go to on the nineteenth of July , on the very day when saw what the Labour Group are doing to this city .
11 : A bunch of us whose ages ranged from 151/2 to 17 were in our billet waiting to go to on parade and were listening to the billet radio system .
12 An important collection of exempla which we shall have reason to refer to on several occasions is the Disciplina Clericalis , an early twelfth-century collection of instructive tales put together by Petrus Alphonsus , a converted Jew , for his son .
13 It is not always easy to know who does what at Trinity Road or who to speak to on any requests or queries you may have .
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