Example sentences of "[to-vb] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The enclosure of a large stamped addressed envelope will of course be appreciated by any of the organisations you may wish to write to for information , booklets or advice on your own problems or those of your parent .
2 The addresses to write to in Northern Ireland are :
3 ‘ It is not pleasant for a human being to pass judgment on another and say that he is evil through and through without any redeeming features , but that is the conclusion I am forced to come to about you . ’
4 And he used to come to with his black horse and dray and I used to go to help him on a er on a Saturday morning , used to get to about perhaps nine or half past and I 'd go the rounds with him and all I used to do was to er take the peoples things that they 'd bought up the entry you see because they were all entries then .
5 Judge Wroath had applied the right test and come to a decision which he was entitled to come to on the evidence before him .
6 Erm the the particular case of Richmondshire having been referred to I I felt I ought to point that er we 're quite content with the concept of Policy E two as giving the strategic weight to the question of protecting the open countryside and the balance , the very difficult balance , decisions that we and other authorities are going to have to come to in preparing our local plan .
7 Now I was making ten shillings a week , and I had to pay a penny toll every day to come to from office .
8 Adaptation to thrive in seasonal environments , in which day-length , temperatures , water and food availability and other important factors fluctuate widely throughout an annual cycle , may be at least as critical as adaptation to cold , and more difficult for species to adjust to by natural selection .
9 The aim is to set up over 50 restaurants within the next five years and to increase to over 10O within 10 years .
10 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
11 ICL also now generates about half its revenues from higher margin non-hardware sales , and expects this to increase to between 55% and 60% over the next few years .
12 The Bank expected its own new lending commitments in the year 1990-91 to increase to between $16,000 million and $18,000 million , and those of the IDA to reach $5,700 million , including substantial concessional lending to eastern Europe .
13 Er and also it 's not always easy , I mean there 's all this youth work business and sort of detached youth work and so on in erm er you know in the very underprivileged areas , but actually I , I think people say that the erm er the disaffected teenagers are actually some of the most difficult people to relate to at all .
14 The Queen 's quiet and consistently efficient carrying out of her royal duties is not perhaps as easy to relate to as the more relaxed and smiling image of the ‘ Queen Mum ’ .
15 The sisters found him a loner , difficult to relate to in a normal friendly way .
16 And Brotherhood was the only object one was expected to conform to in becoming a member .
17 Huy found that , during much of what he had to listen to over the next few minutes , his only defence against the temptation to break the young man over his knee was to invoke the Horus within him .
18 he has he the same problems that we 've all had you know erm and yes he 's , he 's , he 's very easy to listen to despite the fact that he 's a southerner .
19 Inside , in the warm living room , with a glass of chilled dry wine to drink and Mozart to listen to on the CD , she was far from the tiredness she had claimed earlier .
20 There are radio programmes to listen to on a regular basis , to take away the aimlessness of a lie-in every morning .
21 And was there — I could not be sure — a lilt of the Hawaiian music we used to listen to at Oxford , mingling with the waves ?
22 Who wants to listen to at the Gates of Dawn ?
23 It is clearly under voluntary control : we can decide who to listen to in a crowded room and who to shut out .
24 He must have suspected that his all British commission was hardly the kind of body that Kenyans either needed or were likely to listen to in 1972 .
25 He went on , more to her father now than to her , in his light drawling voice she had to listen to in church every Sunday of her life telling them all what was what because he had the God-given power to do so and they had to listen and obey .
26 At dawn they were well hidden in a cave and the following night they were able to march to within a few miles of the beach where they were to be picked up .
27 It had been Bruce Davidson who had interviewed Yeo before , when Angela Morgan had still been officially only a Missing Person and Peter Yeo , as her employer , one of the obvious people to talk to about where she might be .
28 She needed someone to talk to about it all , needed a sharer of secrets , an ear to listen to her plans and , above all , someone to agree that she was on the right course , that both shopping expedition and holiday were what she stood in urgent need of .
29 They then said to their Dad that although they missed their Mum very much indeed , they were beginning to see that their Dad needed them around to have people to talk to about their Mum , and so now they were asking Jesus to make sure nothing else awful happened .
30 In most research studies of bereaved people it is recorded time and time again that , so long as the people involved have somewhere to go and someone to talk to about this major loss in their life , then they may well cope .
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