Example sentences of "[to-vb] of the " in BNC.

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1 By March 1944 Hickson , as Secretary to the Cambridge Board which was then reviewing its future organisation for the post-war period , was sufficiently assured to write of the Rural Areas Committee :
2 Against critics who had accused him of choosing to write of the sea and lonely islands in order to have greater freedom for his imagination , he protested that his own youth had worn ‘ the sober hue of hard work and exacting calls of duty , things which in themselves are not much charged with a feeling of romance ’ and that if he had any ‘ romantic feeling of reality ’ it was disciplined by ‘ a recognition of the hard facts of existence shared with the rest of mankind ’ , a recognition which , he believed , tried to make the best of the hard truth and to discover in it ‘ a certain aspect of beauty ’ .
3 It was Metzinger who , in his Note sur la Peinture of 1910 , was the first to write of the fact that Picasso and Braque had dismissed traditional perspective and felt free to move around their subjects , studying them from various points of view .
4 By the law of primitive socialist accumulation we mean the entire sum of conscious and semi-spontaneous tendencies in the state economy which are directed towards the expansion and consolidation of the collective organisation of labour in Soviet economy and which are dictated to the Soviet state on the basis of necessity : ( 1 ) the determination of proportions in the distribution of productive forces , formed on the basis of struggle against the law of value inside and outside the country and having as their objective task the achievement of the optimum expanded socialist reproduction in the given conditions and of the maximum defensive capacity of the whole system in conflict with capitalist commodity production ; ( 2 ) the determination of the proportions of accumulation of material resources for expanded reproduction , especially at the expense of private economy , in so far as the determined amounts of the accumulation are dictated compulsorily to the Soviet state under threat of economic disproportion , growth of private capital , weakening of the bond between the state economy and peasant production , derangement in years to come of the necessary proportions of expanded socialist reproduction and weakening of the whole system in its conflict with capitalist commodity production inside and outside the country .
5 One couched in the form of an account of the sale of the deceased 's effects says , ‘ Of Mr Marshall for the fine of the yeares to come of the lease of the house ’
6 I used to smell of the old cows .
7 The range of essentially economic issues revealed by the ensuing debate was such that it was almost impossible to conceive of the solution being affected by either brigade or club .
8 Since it was of relatively minor importance to whom the words for setting up a trust were addressed , it was possible to conceive of the trust as inhering in certain property in the estate , and therefore of the recipient of that property as automatically in the position of trustee for the intended beneficiary .
9 Not only did it make it possible to conceive of the settlement , a succession of trusts , where a trust was set up in favour of a beneficiary who was himself charged with a trust in favour of a further beneficiary , but it also allowed trusts to be set up on intestacy , which led to the growth of an advanced system of property disposition on death which had absolutely no connection with a will .
10 His reference to faith may explain how it is that he is able to conceive of the notion of absolute Truth which he calls God .
11 Winch 's contention is that to conceive of the relation of an act to the person who acts in terms of the Kantian maxim ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ is mistaken since ‘ there is no general kind of behaviour of which we have to say that it is good without qualification ’ .
12 The significance of the allusion to Freud in this famous passage is to suggest that to conceive of the economic as operating in isolation is as illusory as to imagine that the ego can operate without the unconscious : they are both the reciprocal products of the other .
13 As epistemic breaks go , however , it seems to be a slow one : Foucault attributes its hesitancy to a fundamental reluctance to think difference rather than the reassuring form of the identical : it is , he comments , ‘ as if we were afraid to conceive of the Other in the time of our own thought ’ .
14 One of the major purposes of this book is to show that there is much in psychoanalytic theory and practice which is social , and that to conceive of the theory as being only about individuals is to misunderstand and misinterpret it .
15 Whether any alternative leadership could have gone further in this direction in the 1960s and 1970s is an open question , but I have argued that it is not useful to conceive of the record so far as merely one of ‘ betrayal ’ .
16 The main result that emerges from such an existential self-analysis is that man owes his understanding of the meaning of being to the fact that he exists in an object-transcending manner , and is therefore able to conceive of the possibility of nothingness , i.e. of the world not existing at all .
17 You might put it this way : We are human beings , not because we have souls but because we are able to conceive of the possibility that we might have souls .
18 The purpose of this chapter is to examine the question of how pupils can gain some inkling , through their own experience , of what religion is about , so that their imagination is stimulated to conceive of the possibility of the spiritual dimension being more than meaningless talk .
19 The death certificates will not read — ‘ victim of an industrial dispute ’ or ‘ death due to neglect of the National Health Service ’ .
20 Surely it must be tantamount to neglect of the safety of our railways if we do not spend more and more money on a system which can give early warning .
21 Announcing the Welsh line-up last night , the general team manager , Myrddin John , said there was still £50,000 to find of the £172,000 needed .
22 We have , therefore , some agreement on the existence of effects which seem linked to age of the learner ; however , there may be a number of confounding factors .
23 The countdown to launch of the Personal Communications Network cellular mobile telephone service in the UK is well under way , and Mercury Communications Ltd 's Mercury One-to-One has released further details of its planned Personal Communications service , which will include cost control features .
24 Almond Nofomela had been among the most trusted of Coetzee 's askaris in his years with Section C. Nofomela had been involved in killings up to despatch of the unfortunate Lesotho diamond dealer .
25 Parents will be interested to know of the sort of records that will be kept on their children .
26 It is a joy to know of the support of our mentor at every stage , to talk to him , to exchange ideas , to consider the next step , in fact , anything at all .
27 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
28 Readers of Annan 's classic essay are equally certain to know of the elaborate interconnections in the Quaker world of philanthropy and reform .
29 Notwithstanding the fact that Dirks was found not guilty , the tests laid down in the case are of great significance : a tipper 's liability is contingent upon the purpose of his action ; while a tippee 's liability is limited to those situations where he knows or ought reasonably to know of the insider 's breach of duty .
30 Although the church has traditionally been reluctant to expose those to whom it delivers this service to public attention , the general assembly ought to know of the scale of the kirk 's response .
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