Example sentences of "[to-vb] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The poet who would go on in ‘ East Coker ’ to write of poetry as ‘ a raid on the inarticulate ’ now pulls back from his earlier position in his wish ‘ to avoid employing the terms Romanticism and Classicism ’ , and concludes that ‘ we are still in the Arnold period ’ .
2 It would be impertinent of me to write of Zuckerman .
3 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
4 In the increasing number of critical surveys of the English novel published during the present century Conrad is the sole writer ever to be included in the safe , accepted procession from Fielding to Henry James and beyond who could , to some degree , be considered to write of adventure in the traditional sense ; and it is always made perfectly clear that Conrad 's moral and philosophical probings constitute his true value , his story-telling expertise being , by implication , no more than a means to an end .
5 It is misleading to write of Aquitaine as though it were one vast feudal jungle where vassals rebelled against their lords , nephews fought against their uncles , and all done with a passionate ferocity which left little or no room for effective ducal government .
6 Mary and Sarah 's comparative affluence was by no means typical of conditions in Frome in the 1820s and 1830s , however , William Cobbett , visiting the town in 1826 , the year John Titford 's wife Ann died , talked with a perverse kind of delight about the ‘ irretrievable decay of the place ’ ; four years later it was the turn of a Bridgwater grocer , Thomas Clark , to write of Frome in his journal in the following terms :
7 It was probably this occasion which prompted Lloyd George to write of Balfour : ‘ I confess that I underrated the passionate attachment to his country which burnt under that calm , indifferent , and apparently frigid exterior ’ ; upon which Balfour 's latest biographer has somewhat severely commented : ‘ By ‘ passionate attachment to his country , ’ Lloyd George , presumably meant Balfour 's backing for him as Prime Minister … ’
8 ‘ Battles are won primarily in the hearts of men , ’ Monty was to write of Alamein twenty-five years on .
9 If I were to write of Milton Friedman : ‘ the absence of self-consciousness and the resulting presence of an egocentrically unified perspective seem to be associated with an inability to shift perspective in concept formation problems ’ , I do not suppose that many psychologists would accept such an application of the language of psychology .
10 But if you have the luck to come of country stock then you should never sever your roots , no matter how great the temptation to ‘ improve ’ yourself , or to inhabit more glorious scenery , or to be nearer a railway station .
11 A multi-millionairess with a fortune estimated at more than £10 million , a property tycoon in Australia where she was spending a fortune renovating her latest acquisition , a mammoth Victorian town house in the Melbourne suburbs , a singer poised to come of age with a backing band of her own and a world tour — the hologramic face of high technology in Japan , how could she ever again have been expected to have slipped into oily dungarees to tinker with the engine of a Land Rover ?
12 The WLM had begun to come of age .
13 Duroc had had to come of age and replace the older Duroc in the service of Nguyen Seth .
14 He has a son who is a booby and who was loafing around his father 's yards waiting only for this young lady to come of age so that he could marry her .
15 With Clovis , Frankish history appears to come of age .
16 A 2- to 3-fold increase in the amount of glucose bound to lysine of apoprotein B has been demonstrated in the serum of diabetic subjects .
17 I look at him — when I can bear to and frankly if you can persuade him to use a clean T-shirt you 'll be doing all of us a favour — I look at him and I remember dear little chubby hands clutching one , and the way their faces used to smell of soap and milk .
18 The room began to smell of feathers and shit .
19 One also wonders whether it is wise to smoke or to smell of perfume when handling horses .
20 In his most persuasive ( but unrepeated ) experiment , he trained a group of pigeons in a loft into which he experimentally made the wind blowing from the south to smell of olive oil , and the wind from the north to smell of turpentine ( another group had the directions of the smells reversed ) .
21 I had expected the room to smell of death , but on account of Mrs Mortimer — or else her apron — the room was dominated by the smell of roasting .
22 They spread out from the Thing like a tide ; panels lit up like little skies full of stars , big lights in the ceiling flickered on , there was a distant banging and fizzing as electricity was woken up , and the air began to smell of thunderstorms .
23 All my possessions began to smell of smoke ; even my better clothes which I kept in a closed cupboard under the bunk .
24 But my jokes when I was young tended to smell of oil rather .
25 Magazine seems to be upside down but this could be due to position of neck in gutter .
26 Nevertheless , to conceive of parents as utterly static in the child 's psychological life is likely to distort the picture grossly .
27 It has been suggested that it is tempting to conceive of morality as a guide to human conduct .
28 Here , it seems , we have a current example of Britain needing to conceive of savagery belonging to outsiders , not a part of British civilisation but an external force which could undermine British institutions unless repressed .
29 It is perfectly possible to conceive of groups or individuals who have power without actually ruling in the official , visible sense .
30 The younger field men , doubtless reflecting their education in the natural sciences , tend to conceive of pollution as a relatively unproblematic phenomenon , as scientifically determinable , hence ‘ obvious ’ .
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