Example sentences of "[to-vb] what [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The location , starting time and duration should be included in the notice of the meeting to allow those attending to plan their time ; also the agenda should be included in sufficient detail to indicate what preparation they need to do .
2 So here the relationship between the lexical concepts has to be marked in some way to make up for the inadequacy of the words to indicate what part of the general context of knowledge is to be engaged .
3 The research project aims to explore the suitability of expert systems for development control and to indicate what type of system suits the information needs of development control officers .
4 Project sponsors are instructed to indicate what information would be required to conduct a thorough post-audit , whether the existing information systems provide this data , and if not , what steps should be taken to ensure that the required information is collected and available when required .
5 So many different factors may be relevant that no generalized conclusions can be reached , and the best that librarians can do is to ensure that as far as possible conditions for use in their own libraries are adapted to meet what research has revealed as ideal conditions .
6 I feel very sad about leaving Evan , but harsh though it may be , I do n't want an adolescent tomcat to cloud what relationship I still have with Lucker .
7 Children 's needs change as they grow , so it 's important to know what milk they should be drinking at different stages .
8 They 're not interested in one-night stands — and they even want to know what making love is like for girls .
9 ‘ You need to be a genius to know what ticket to use .
10 Obviously it can also be essential for you to know what flower or leaf you have pressed , although you will discover that on examining the finished material .
11 They do n't necessarily need to know what management is , they can learn all that .
12 The important thing about exercise is to know what kind is safe and how much is enough .
13 But Papert wants something more , as he wrote in Mindstorm : ‘ I want to know what kind of computer culture can grow in communities where there is not already rich technophilic soil .
14 ‘ My colleagues and I will be very interested , ’ he said sourly , ‘ to know what kind of propaganda that red magazine you work for can make out of an international survey of prospective parents . ’
15 The industry 's insularity has cracked wide open since the Blues Brothers first walked into a bar and demanded to know what kind of music was played .
16 yeah , but that 's the , what it means , I want to know what kind of a word it is
17 Many of Johnson 's readers wished to know what kind of reading Dr Johnson thought suitable for young ladies , and it transpired , to much amusement , that he had given young Miss McQueen an arithmetic .
18 Melissa had been intrigued to know what kind of man could persuade Iris to leave her beloved garden for the best part of a fortnight at the height of the growing season .
19 I 've got a police contact who 'd just love to know what kind of racket you 're into , here .
20 If you want to know what kind of playground children really want , ask them !
21 Whenever a jury in this class of case returns a verdict , whether of guilty or not guilty , intelligent readers of newspapers and weekly journals may want to know what kind of film was under consideration .
22 For example , a historian will be interested in finding out what is written on a sheet of medieval vellum , whereas an archaeologist will want to know what animal skin was used , how the vellum was made , and what pigments were used for the ink .
23 If you really want to know what rabies is like , turn to pp 120–125 of David Anne 's vivid and powerful Rabid ( 1977 ) .
24 I want to know what unit linking will do for me .
25 She wanted to know what cancer was and when they said it was terminal , she asked what that meant .
26 They do n't agree with one-night stands and they want to know what sex is like for girls .
27 He said first , selection will select for offspring to know what sex they are and secondly , selection will favour offspring who compete er with the , with the sex er wh in whom the parents are , are erm favouring .
28 Even some way down the scale it would have been interesting to know what size bag of silver would accrue to the coffers of the RFU in return for abandoning the traditional white England jersey .
29 When the Council of Energy Ministers meets with those proposals before it , Opposition Members and the British coal industry would like to know what attitude Britain 's representatives will adopt .
30 The very freedom from mass accountability which allows it to do so also makes it difficult for leaders to know what society is thinking : without mechanisms for making needs known and understood , Polish and Soviet leaders simply can not know what the consequences of a rise in food prices or of other policy shifts will be .
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