Example sentences of "[to-vb] or [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Below that age , a child may have the competence to consent or withhold consent but it is a matter of judgement to be exercised in each case by the person responsible for carrying out the examination or assessment ( Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] AC 112 ) .
2 This is clear from the facts of In re D. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Sterilisation ) [ 1976 ] Fam. 185 , where the child concerned had neither the intelligence nor understanding either to consent or refuse .
3 However , so far as the present case is concerned , this little girl … was only 6 and it would be idle for anyone to suggest that a girl of that age had sufficient understanding and knowledge to decide whether to consent or resist . ’
4 A striking example of their dissociation is provided by the following exchange : on the one hand , Runciman takes it for granted that methodological individualism is ‘ now generally conceded to be almost trivially true ’ , while on the other Torrance asserts that ‘ In so far as methodological individualism is true it is trivial and irrelevant to sociology , while in so far as it is used to curb or dictate explanatory methods it is either incoherent or false ’ .
5 Federal funding for the arts occupies a tiny part of the national budget , but in the last administration became a cause celèbre when the question of National Endowment for the Arts ' occasional support for provocative and sexually explicit art aroused the fury of conservatives led by Senator Jesse Helms , who whipped up popular support for a move to curb or cut the N.E.A. 's budget .
6 You 've no idea the miners and , and people that came out onto the road and had nowhere to go or stay and had nothing .
7 Then she withdrew her will from Fenna , leaving the dragon free to go or come as he would .
8 It is a good idea to have a thorough scrub out , though , and if you can arrange to borrow or hire a power washer , the task will be easier .
9 Of course , a contract which lacks any agreement to transfer property ( ownership ) at all , will fall outside the definition , e.g. a contract where one person agrees simply to borrow or hire another person 's goods .
10 Whether there is a PSBR or a PSDR , it is clear that the method the government uses to borrow or pay back debt will affect how much the money supply changes .
11 ‘ If you want to borrow or lend money on a rolling settlement basis we can bundle it in with the service .
12 Your own college library and local lending and reference libraries house a great deal of this ; you will be able to borrow or refer to the literature in these libraries .
13 Iago is ‘ hardened ’ , as Cruden put it , in his hypocrisy , so that his refusal to repent or explain shows great psychological insight on Shakespeare 's part .
14 The tribunal or court could well take the view that the business needs to reorganize or terminate practices or indeed to cut costs .
15 I was dismayed when I woke up to the fact that the plan was not to wait or extend the building but to send twenty people and their children away to start another church .
16 Those who had come by carriage had dismissed their drivers with instructions not to return until early evening and now they were stranded , having to decide whether to wait or walk .
17 I like to cook recipes that foolproof , able to wait or take a moment to finish before serving .
18 She was nineteen and choked by the immensity of her reaction to this man , unable to breathe or stir , and panicked by the conviction that Luke was seeing into her secret self , invading , bent on vandalising and stealing .
19 The Monster writhes on the horns of a dilemma : to breathe or bellow .
20 The information contained in this brochure is correct at time of going to press , however , the Management reserves the right to cancel or alter the advertised programme in exceptional circumstances .
21 Parliament would also retain the ultimate right to cancel or vary a part or the whole of Community law as it applied to the United Kingdom .
22 If you have to cancel or change your plans , you may be charged a cancellation fee .
23 But , oddly enough , Harriet had never held it against Tom who , after all , could easily have elected to cancel or postpone their plans .
24 Numbers increased slightly in March ( to around 14,500 ) , but Kleiner was concerned that job shortages had caused up to 1,000,000 Soviet Jews to cancel or postpone emigrating to Israel .
25 The Management reserve the right , without notice , to cancel or amend any of the attractions and special events detailed and determine the prices according to the circumstances .
26 ‘ But it 's been a complicated situation ; we 've had to cancel or reschedule gigs with Cozy 's band because of Brian 's thing , and there was a further complication …
27 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
28 A user can perform Boolean operations to include or exclude clones which hybridise to particular probes or classes of probes .
29 All attempts to heal or tend him failed
30 The derivation of original research proposals is never easy , but to participate in their creation and perhaps to stimulate or catalyse them can be very exciting when there are no artificial restrictions on what can be done .
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