Example sentences of "[to-vb] you the " in BNC.

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1 We are delivered onto the twenty-second floor with an incessant warning pong-pong-pong sound which is supposed to inform you the door has opened .
2 You need to know either the landlord or the tenant and , more important , he needs to know you before he can be expected to grant you the right to work on his land .
3 ‘ It is the agency 's responsibility to find you the type of work you have indicated that you are interested in .
4 Well , we deal with a wide range of different groups , and erm we 've got to produce a best advice list , and er we try to find you the best contract available in the market .
5 If he 's trying to find you the cheapest
6 I want to know you the way no man has ever known a woman before . ’
7 I suggest you visit your local ‘ Deli ’ which should be able to sell you the type that come with edible snails !
8 If I do n't persuade my father to sell you the club , you 'll manufacture enough fake information to make the police suspicious enough to close me down ? ’
9 Now if you just pull in a little bit too close , it 's a natural reaction of the body to direct the eyes at the vehicle which is going to cause you the danger .
10 With the upstart Parsons that margin was as wide as a motorway , of course , but even Thomas Carter , Nature 's gentleman , could n't help getting it ever so slightly wrong , in his case by bending over backwards to minimize his achievements and rubbish his accomplishments in order to spare you the painful comparison with your own lacklustre status .
11 It was marvellous to see you the other day after so many years .
12 " David Fairfax came to see you the other day , " Matthew went on .
13 Er the other thing to come to if you do n't want to spend fifty pounds although we 'll be very pleased to see you the banquet in the afternoon and there 's a lecture in the afternoon at two o'clock ?
14 Sometimes this means that a single prohibited action or technique is enough to lose you the match even though no scoring technique has been made .
15 ‘ Sorry to lose you the trip .
16 I have done nothing — absolutely nothing ! — to compromise your professional integrity , or to lose you the respect of your colleagues .
17 ‘ If you would like me to forgive you the other half of your great debt , then fire the kiln tomorrow morning , well before dawn .
18 ‘ You went off before I had a chance to thank you the other day … ’
19 I 'm going to drive you the rest of the way , if you wo n't come back with me . ’
20 Go to your bank manager and explain your problem , he or she will probably be able to advance you the money to pay these people off straight away and you will then pay the bank the £25 a month , except that because you will pay interest , it will probably take you sixteen months to pay it off instead of fourteen .
21 I 'd have cast off in the Angharad to fetch you the minute I knew you were there ! ’
22 I mean , I expect she knew how you felt about the only things worth having being the things you 'd worked hard for and earned for yourself , so you would n't want her to leave you the house ] But she did n't want you to think she 'd forgotten you , or that she was just being spiteful , or something … ’
23 A sexual surrogate will A , have sex with you if he ca n't find anyone else , all the things nobody else is prepared to do with you sexually , or teach you how to draw you the partner you want ?
24 That 's it and let them , let them get on with it in the middle of bloody summer with a pint of water and say , look , that pint of water has to last you the day .
25 To give you the total reckoning of it : it is the busy man 's recreation , the idle man 's business , the melancholy man 's sanctuary , the stranger 's welcome , the Inns of Court man 's entertainment , the scholar 's kindness and the citizen 's courtesy .
26 In the end , a new Lycra frock is never going to give you the warm , rosy glow of friendship . ’
27 It was to meet cases of this kind that Equity invented the great remedies of specific performance and injunction : specific performance to compel a man actually to do what he has promised — to give you the land in return for the money , to pay you the purchase money in return for the land ; injunction to forbid him to do what he has promised not to do or what he has no right to do — to forbid him to open the public house or the music-school , to forbid him to build so as to block up your light , even to compel him to pull down the objectionable wall ; the last sort of injunction is called mandatory .
28 ‘ I 'm going to give you the score on that once and for all .
29 Success in this field is going to become even more important as we move into the 1990s and beyond and I hope that in this book I 've been able to give you the benefit of my experience , to pass on the kind of backstage know-how that can make that vital difference between winning and losing .
30 Another of the smaller outfits is Blue Peter Sailing , which runs a 29-footer with seven berths and promises not to give you the ‘ sail-it-on-its-ear-and-hard-luck-if-you're-seasick ’ routine .
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