Example sentences of "[to-vb] a [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He once tried to found a citizens ' police under the ‘ Fifth Estate ’ to monitor the doings of the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency .
2 Few exporters can now avoid involvement with foreign currencies as they trade in increasingly diverse and competitive markets and a willingness to accept a customers preferred currency can be a strong marketing tool when negotiating a contract .
3 He refused to accept a travellers ' site at Loch Laggan as a fixed address for Frost , a first offender , who offered to pay at £10 per fortnight .
4 Directors may , and frequently do , however , insure against negligence liability and this is likely , at least in part , to off-set any reluctance to take office through the fear of having to meet a damages award .
5 There may be some , but I would expect that this time sum , er or close to it , will be the final balance , and that , of course , will flow into the general balances of the County Council , and er , a one million pounds was allocated from the contingency , that finance sub-committee in October , to meet the price , er , to meet a prices inflation .
6 He said the US authorities were paying a substantial part of the costs incurred by the wives in preparing their legal challenge , but no provision had been made to meet a costs order in favour of Cherwell council .
7 The first aim of the NVALA was to establish a Viewers ' and Listeners ' Council which would consist of elected representatives of the ‘ churches , women 's organisations , magistrates , doctors , educationalists , parents , youth , social workers , police , political parties , local government and writers ’ .
8 In fact , pursuant to r 6.80 , no resolutions can be taken at the meeting of creditors other than : ( i ) a resolution to appoint a named insolvency practitioner to be trustee or two or more insolvency practitioners as joint trustees ; ( ii ) a resolution to establish a creditors ' committee ; ( iii ) ( unless a creditors ' committee has been established ) a resolution specifying the terms of the trustee 's remuneration or to defer consideration of that matter ; ( iv ) if two or more trustees are appointed , a resolution specifying whether acts are to be done by both or all of them , or by only one ; ( v ) a resolution adjourning the meeting for not more than three weeks ; and ( vi ) any other resolutions which the chairman thinks it right to allow for special reasons .
9 Sewell tried in 1841 to establish a cattle infirmary at Thomas Flight 's famous dairy ( formerly Laycock 's ) in Islington , housing some 600 or 700 cows ( there were thousands of cows in London until the railways facilitated milk supplies from the country ) .
10 A debate is in progress among scholars in the arts and humanities about whether it would be right to establish a humanities research council or a humanities , economic and social research council , or to continue with no research council at all .
11 By a government licence under the Act , Mercury Communications , a private company , was authorized to establish a communications system .
12 The Government ‘ had taken powers to establish a loans scheme by diktat . ’
13 LABOUR ‘ deadbeats ’ must carry the can for failing to secure a jobs bonanza in Darlington , it was claimed last night .
14 The women 's singles championship went to Joan Blackett who beat Gwen Wharton 21–13 while John Hanmer beat Les Appleby 21–13 to secure a men 's singles championship final place in a breathtaking match dominated by drawing to the jack end after end .
15 Miss Menzies suddenly stood up , looked him straight in the eyes and said , ‘ Do you know it 's a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer ? ’
16 The discretion of the licensing board to refuse to grant a seamen 's canteen licence is limited by this section .
17 Kinane , aged 30 , rode the Irish filly The Caretaker to win Europe 's most valuable prize for two-year-olds , the Cartier Million , in Dublin on Saturday , but almost as soon as he had passed the post to complete his lucrative double on Carroll House , who is trained by Michael Jarvis at Newmarket , the klaxon sounded ominously to indicate a stewards ' inquiry .
18 Potentially more damaging to cooperation , however , were proposals to impose a profits tax on cooperative revenue .
19 My Lord the er case moves on there over the page now to the twenty fourth of September and on that day Mr was notified erm by his bank on the telephone that head office had approved the finance proposal in principal and as a result of that Mr then telephone Peter , the defendant , told him that the financing for this deal had been approved in principal and Mr asked Mr to provide a bankers draft of some seven and a half thousand pounds in order to enable exchange to take place as a matter of urgency .
20 If a body approved by the Secretary of State have provided or propose to provide a seamen 's canteen the need for which has been certified by him after consultation with the Merchant Navy Welfare Board , the licensing board within whose jurisdiction the said canteen is or will be situated may grant a licence under this Part of this Act authorising the person who is the manager of the canteen to sell alcoholic liquor in the canteen .
21 George Dempster , the member of parliament for Dundee burghs , whose election at St. Andrews would ‘ certainly turn on a single vote unless I am able to provide a Councillors son in a Kirk ’ , urged nothing more than political consequences when pressing for the settlement of the St. Andrews clergyman , and many presentations were indeed political bribes .
22 This will enable the Government to contract with a range of different organisations to provide a careers service which is more flexible and more responsive to the needs of local people and local employers .
23 But it was criticised for failing to provide a contents index , and its pictures were said to lack consistency and style .
24 British Telecommunications Plc has won its biggest network contract yet , a multi-million pound five-year deal to provide a communications network to the Eurocontrol European air traffic control co-ordination body .
25 On our way home we tried to find a Mothers Day card for Mark to send to his Mum , but I think all the Dalseattie shops must have the same supplier and sell those ghastly pink-ish cards with really crass ditties inside ugh .
26 For the past few months , the Metropolitan Museum of Art has been trying , without success , to find a drawings curator to replace Jacob Bean , who has just retired .
27 Designed by a German scientific team led by Rudolf Gantenbrink , the robot climbed at 45° up the 65 metre long passageway to find a portcullis type slab at the other end with large copper handles .
28 The oil men were always amazed to find a customs vessel operating in their area .
29 ‘ The impression has been given that it is easy to obtain a justices ’ licence and move into a public house , ’ he said .
30 Owners of ‘ dangerous ’ breeds are likely to have a three-month period — until the end of November — to obtain a police permit for their animals .
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