Example sentences of "[to-vb] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
2 And , in a sense , we 've , just to complete what we 've been talking about so far , there 's always the question of press and magazines and house style , just to remind you that you really need to study formats if you 're going to try and as a freelance we talked about that yesterday .
3 The police instead of ignoring it , decided to try and amongst with other agencies , you know the cleaning service and that , to try and er do a project .
4 ‘ In the west it is the prices which are hard to accept and in the east people are unhappy about unemployment .
5 For drama school it is the first taste of things to come and on the whole a good thing .
6 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
7 Yet financial improvement was slow to come and in 1936 the Financial Advisers set out to ‘ ascertain the weight of meat consumed by staff and visitors ’ .
8 There is one subject of philosophical curiosity to be found in Edinburgh , which no other city has to shew ; a college of the deaf and dumb , who are taught to speak , to read , to write and to practice arithmetick by a gentleman , whose name is Braidwood .
9 Otherwise you may find yourself later , as you sweep along on the actual business of writing , gradually drifting into producing quite another sort of book than the one you set out to write and in consequence disappointing readers ' expectations which at the beginning you had gone to trouble to arouse .
10 This is a fascinating place to work and during my first year here the business has continued to develop .
11 We want it to give them back their self respect , help acclimatise them to work and above all to give them something positive and worthwhile to show an employer .
12 Anna Martin showed that some working class women also distrusted state intervention , not on principle , as was the case with middle class feminists , but because they feared its effects on their husbands ' incentives to work and on their own pivotal position in the family .
13 I believe it can be made to work and with the background of the proposed Amendment and what b can be done by Parliament as a result of that , that can be a sensible way of proceeding .
14 It is a tale full of interest , and it reveals an attitude to work and to the Service that makes pleasant reading ( unhappily some authors give the impression they had a less than fulfilling time while in the RAF ) .
15 No party would now dare go to the voters promising a prohibition on women 's right to work and to a wage .
16 His light-hearted and amusing banter hid a serious and thoughtful approach to work and to life in general , and one became aware that it was a privilege to know and work with him , both at Woolley Hall and in the early days of Bretton where he came one day each week to teach painting .
17 For consensus decision-making to work and for an atmosphere of trust to develop between managers and subordinates , there must be an erosion of status-consciousness .
18 Moreover , it will be guilty of giving succour , however tacit , to a regime where people continue to be deprived of their democratic rights , to suffer and to be killed , purely on the grounds of the colour of their skin .
19 The number of long-term unemployed has continued to increase and in January totalled 2,286 .
20 Relatively ‘ self-contained ’ and cohesive social groups such as peasants and church-going Catholics , generally knowing whom to trust and with a low level of organization in the NSDAP , were now often unrestrained in their attacks .
21 In contrast , total and LDL cholesterol concentrations did appear to influence platelet sensitivity to adrenaline and to a lesser extent ADP ( Hassall et al , 1983 ) .
22 Do n't go to books passively , expecting simply to absorb and to be informed .
23 Further pressure caused Mariners ' handling to deteriorate and with three penalties successfully kicked by Bannatyne , 'Mere were 13–0 up by halftime .
24 After the war , Bank use of the hotel began to diminish and in May 1949 it was sold to a member of staff who ran it for many years on his own account .
25 The God who is hidden to sight and beyond human understanding is also the God made manifest in our earthly environment .
26 Economics also dictates change , especially the need for large businesses to innovate and to be entrepreneurs .
27 A successor ( all Heads of Department were eligible for election ) had proved hard to find and for a brief period the chairmanship of the Course had been taken over by the Deputy Director , Brian Tonge .
28 Wills J. , at p. 344 , said : " Parliament has … given to a person desirous of opposing , … power to appear and to be heard …
29 There has to be a willingness among all the members of such a group to be prepared to give and take , to offer criticism and receive it , to encourage and to be encouraged etc . ’
30 He also grasped the opportunity to synthesise and in 1913 published The Archaeology of the Anglo-Saxon Settlements .
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