Example sentences of "[to-vb] these [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It 's only cos they 're too idle to cart these catalogues and things about .
2 To grant these rights and judicial privileges to corporations ( and other organizations ) is simply to give them additional resources for a judicial battle in which many , particularly the transnationals , are already more than a fair match for national state regulatory agencies .
3 Too often it is left to the police and union officials to work these things out in a hostile environment where clear thinking is at a premium .
4 You have to work these things out before you go to France your money wo n't you ?
5 And to work these industries the population has increased .
6 That up to the time in Edinburgh , the Monotype machines have been largely , if not chiefly , operated by women , and that women have proved themselves entirely competent to work these machines , so that it seems a great hardship that women should be debarred from working at them in future .
7 You can use the columns below to work these figures out if you wish .
8 Although at present there is insufficient evidence to extrapolate these findings to the human situation , the finding of chemically modified DNA in human tissues is clearly worrying .
9 How far is it reasonable to extrapolate these results to the non-poor is a highly debatable point .
10 In order to meet these criteria , the Vehicle Watchdog performs as follows : providing the vehicle has been stationary for at least one minute , a 15mA current pulse will brightly light an l.e.d. for 0.02 seconds once every two seconds .
11 In the case of statements made in Parliament , as at present advised I can not foresee that any statement other than the statement of the minister or other promoter of the Bill is likely to meet these criteria .
12 The limited category of members of Parliament whose statements are to be admissible under the rule derives from Lord Browne-Wilkinson 's belief that ‘ in the case of statements made in Parliament , as at present advised I can not foresee that any statement other than the statement of the minister or other promoter of the Bill is likely to meet these criteria ’ .
13 Ruth Barr 's research alias ‘ personal time-and-motion study ’ described in answering her own ‘ why am I doing this ? ’ question would seem to meet these criteria .
14 For a country to meet these criteria : 1 .
15 What amazes me is that young families on income support can get almost any accompanying benefit , yet I am expected to meet these bills in full .
16 Good management has attempted to meet these challenges in an organised and rational way , maintaining that planned changes are better than haphazard ones since they give a greater sense of control to the school and are less likely to cause stress to all concerned .
17 This is becoming more complex and the only way to meet these challenges is to base management on well-understood basic principles .
18 It is designed to help participants identify challenges in their ministry and to equip them with the necessary insights and skills to meet these challenges .
19 Greater resources are needed to meet these obligations but they have not been forthcoming .
20 Moving from what is expected of the education system , the next three articles look at aspects of the circumstances in which schools attempt to meet these aims .
21 The two main recommendations to meet these charges were , first to establish a Health Services Supervisory Board within the DHSS , chaired by the Secretary of State to strengthen policy direction of the NHS .
22 To meet these aspirations we must make the best use of our human , technological , material and financial resources and this must be done within the framework of a well planned and a well managed system .
23 A Labour minister announced in 1978 that the government would introduce legislation to meet these concerns but a General Election intervened .
24 How far the teacher will be able to meet these conditions will depend on the constraints imposed by the ward , how periods of clinical experience are viewed by tutorial and clinical staff and what kind of learning the teacher wishes to promote in the student ; and this depends , very much , on how the teacher views the process of nursing .
25 Only on Feb. 27 , i.e. not until Iraq 's comprehensive defeat in the land war , did the Iraqi government agree to meet these conditions .
26 Our investigation reveals that we 're continuing to ask the armed forces to meet a series of commitments and all the time we 're reducing the resources available to them to meet these commitments .
27 To meet these standards the worker needs total concentration and freedom from time pressure .
28 The 1893 Act allowed institutions a Parliamentary grant per pupil , but only if the institution/asylum met the standards set by the periodic visits of Her Majesty 's Inspector , so in order to meet these standards and obtain their grants , schools had to improve on the conditions in which the pupils were taught .
29 Imported products which failed to meet these standards could be subjected to extra duties providing that : the environmental standards had a scientific base ; the same standards must be applied to all competitive domestic production ; and imported products could be proved to be causing economic damage to competitive domestic industries .
30 They were rooted in the necessities of the countries concerned and in earlier efforts to meet these necessities , not in the mere words of intellectuals , however plausible .
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