Example sentences of "[vb mod] know they " in BNC.

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1 I may tell lies all my life if it 's expedient but I must know them for what they are and I must never tell them to myself .
2 ‘ But they must know they 'll never get it , ’ Jinny said .
3 ‘ They must know they 're in the frame otherwise why the decoy ? ’
4 She was fleetingly reminded of Shildon insisting they walked singly into the newsroom so no one should know they had been talking together .
5 This is also a good opportunity to let them meet a permanent resident who might know them or who will chat to them .
6 Cos they 'll know they 'll be run cos they 'll be run and one would be running in
7 Well we 've talked football , we 've talked speedway , we 're now going to talk rugby , because if you 've been following the exploits of the Bicester Rugby Club , you 'll know they got through to the semi-finals of a big national competition , and they play that semi-final this coming Saturday .
8 Whether you 're a fan or not — and God knows other bands have tried to make damn sure you are — you 'll know them soon enough .
9 Breughel , You 'll know them if I can get them true …
10 Now there 's no need to learn all of the tables erm er what I will do is if you want any more lessons I 'll do you some special tables cut down so you only have to learn about half the normal and then you 'll know them all cos if you know two sixes .
11 You 'll know them then and you wo n't need to use your fingers but while you 're learning I do n't see why you know why you ca n't use them do you .
12 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
13 Not that you 'd know they 'd been most days .
14 ‘ They must have bugged her for the same reason we went to see her : she was somebody unofficial but experienced in underground work — They 'd know they were up against some British group not the CIA .
15 If you 've been to any of the major house parties , you 'd know them by sight , if not by name .
16 They 're shit , in Zone 4 they 're not women as we 'd know them , just shit . ’
17 I 'd have assumed you 'd know them well enough without wishing to hear them repeated . ’
18 Motives are very difficult to uncover , and , even if we could know them , they would reveal little about the likely course of foreign policy .
19 Er there 's only er old people from here would know them see .
20 If I really believed then I would know they were in heaven , in eternal life , and I should be so glad about that .
21 Robert Burns was introduced to her in Edinburgh and , no doubt , they would know they had friends in common in the Tennant family .
22 Then police would know they had the power they need and motorists would know that just one drink too many would cost them their licence .
23 ‘ Your friend would know they 'd kill him .
24 The hotel rooms for herself and her colleagues had been reserved through Rune 's secretary so he would know they intended to stay until Sunday — four nights .
25 They would know they were on to something . ’
26 ‘ They are all blonde and are all about the same size and although none of them are identical you would know they are from the same family .
27 ‘ And the places that knew them shall know them no more . ’
28 If one says that they are both in the second row you will know they are on the two n's of nomen .
29 Soon they will know they have a fool for a lecturer , and all because of you , my wife . ’
30 If you 're crossing somebody out even if you er alter it and initial it , someone will know they 've been crossed out .
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