Example sentences of "[vb mod] have little " in BNC.

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1 You 've noticed that Healthmaster does not have erm , just smoker , non-smoker rates , because if we actually just simply mention dwelled on that perhaps we should 've little bit longer .
2 Against eight opponents — two of them , Akiko and Carson Bay , are his pacemakers — Arazi should have little trouble in confirming his booking to Louisville if reproducing the brilliance that saw him top the International Classification and America 's Experimental Handicap .
3 The Pizza Express National League champions should have little difficulty in beating Royal Leopold , of Belgium , today and Racing Club de France tomorrow , but face the holders , Uhlenhorst , in Sunday 's final group match .
4 If the UK has its way , then the Directive should have little impact , for it notes , ‘ We do not believe that it will be necessary to apply measures in the UK to protect waters from eutrophication due to nitrate . ’
5 The former high class hurdler has not come off the bridle to record two effortless chasing victories and , although this is his stiffest task to date over fences , he should have little difficulty in completing the hat-trick .
6 Intel needs to do some stroking among this class of customer even though Intel defenders claim the P5 schematics designers are using in the absence of silicon are so exact they should have little trouble getting up and running and out the door once the chips are delivered .
7 One journalist went so far as to assert , ‘ Carter should have little trouble with Congress ’ , while Professor Ross Baker noted that ‘ the basic elements are in place for a highly satisfactory relationship between Carter and Congress … there is no reason to forecast discord between the White House and Capitol Hill .
8 With help from master decorator Renzo Mongiardino , who is known to have helped him in the past , Ortiz-Patiño should have little trouble showing off the rare editions , manuscripts and fine bindings first collected by his father ; his own Dutch and Spanish Old Master paintings ; English silver by Paul de Lamerie and the gold snuff boxes he has been collecting since 1956 .
9 If a superiority of one half-field derives from some fixed advantage of the contralateral cerebral hemisphere for the stimulus material in question then comparatively minor procedural differences ( e.g. Hiscock and Bergstrom , 1982 ) should have little or no influence on the outcome of an experiment .
10 During your undergraduate studies you should have little difficulty in tracing the information that you need , since most will be contained in well-known textbooks .
11 Moreover , were it to occur , such workers should have little difficulty in finding a similar position elsewhere .
12 Thus if at this moment someone said something to me about " that ugly little statue on your fireplace " and accompanied this with an appropriate gesture , I should have little difficulty in identifying the object to which he is referring , but identification may not be so easy if a reference is made to an object that is not accessible to immediate perception , or of which I have no knowledge whatever .
13 As he leaned forward , Chen pushed slightly with the gun , reminding the pimp of its presence , but it was only a precaution — if the file was correct , he should have little bother with the man .
14 CANADA 'S 13 Engines , with their considered blend of ominous guitar and vocals and a sometimes lumbering , limbering beat , should have little trouble making up for lost time with this overdue European release of their excellent debut LP .
15 If as the government says , performance is the test of success , most state chairmen should have little to fear .
16 CANADA 'S 13 Engines , with their considered blend of ominous guitar and vocals and a sometimes lumbering , limbering beat , should have little trouble making up for lost time with this overdue European release of their excellent debut LP .
17 In this case , the question of the cause and the seriousness of the type of breach should have little relevance .
18 Given the generous relief against forfeiture provisions contained in s 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925 a tenant should have little to fear from a forfeiture clause unless it is seriously in financial difficulties or has committed a serious breach of covenant which can not be rectified .
19 They must have little self-respect .
20 Before God , they must have little work to do . ’
21 ‘ I 'll have little chance of forgetting all about Knockglen considering I 'll be coming home every night , ’ said Benny glumly .
22 She recalled her resolve to be friendly , therefore she laughed as she said , ‘ You 'll have little trouble from me in that respect .
23 Companies chopped and changed their holdings , for reasons that might have little to do with the specific nature of the businesses involved .
24 The obvious danger under the 1981 arrangements is that , given the overwhelming percentage of votes from outside the Commons , a new Leader might have little support in the PLP .
25 In one recent study , in which colonic neoplasia coexisting with upper gastrointestinal lesions was a frequent finding , the authors acknowledge that their results might have little relevance to outpatient practice as patients were selected by reviewing the blood counts of hospital inpatients .
26 In the face of such concerted action it was clear that the Library Association had to take strong action on behalf of its members who , individually , could have little chance of opposing the ban .
27 At Pemberley the ‘ many family portraits … could have little to fix the attention of a stranger ’ ; at Sotherton they are ‘ no longer any thing to any body but Mrs Rushworth , who had been at great pains to learn all that the housekeeper could teach ’ .
28 And at the very back , the small , patient figure of Phil Aldrich , seeking ( of this , Ashenden could have little doubt ) to avoid the embarrassment of refusing to sign Janet Roscoe 's latest petition .
29 In isolation the Left minority could have little influence .
30 When Jonathan Malcolm and his girlfriend met they could have little idea of the trouble which lay in store .
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