Example sentences of "[vb mod] not at " in BNC.

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1 For my part , I do not see why the trial judge should not at that stage state in open court what that advice will be .
2 But I just wanted to say that I , we , should n't at all blame you if you were to start applying for jobs elsewhere now . ’
3 we , we , we , we , we 've , we 've , we 've got one decision I think which we are making , which is that we should n't at the moment , make any recruitment until we 've got confirmation that we can guarantee employment next year , se , secondly I think we 're saying that the first appointment that we do want to make is of a complaint examiner , and that if further investigators leave us , then we would n't be seeking to replace them as investigators , we 'd be seeking to replace with the complaint examiner , that , that , that ,
4 This may not at first seem obvious , but there is a connection .
5 While these two viewpoints may not at first sight appear to be strikingly different , they do in fact embody two quite opposing ways of approaching the discipline .
6 I can not end this consideration of the basic puzzle mystery , the blueprint , without drawing attention to two fundamentals which may not at first seem necessary ingredients : story and form .
7 This may not at first seem particularly useful .
8 Some of the prescribed topics may not at first seem particularly appealing , especially if they have not been covered in school before , but avenues can be explored for presenting them in an interesting way .
9 This last may be a source of considerable disquiet and one might not at first see how such obviously ‘ immoral ’ content could be defended as part of a system of morality .
10 He would check it , if he needed to , but he could not at the moment see why Morgan would have wanted to kill the daughter to whom he had plainly been so devoted .
11 When he woke up , chilled and stiff , he could not at first understand where on earth he was nor where he had come from .
12 When he woke up , chilled and stiff , he could not at first understand where on earth he was nor where he had come from .
13 Moreover , he had written it on pages that he could not at this moment tear up into big pieces and then into smaller pieces .
14 The court which would normally have taken cognizance was that over which the lord presided ; and although it was in the lord 's court that the vassal made his defiance , it was usually done , not in person , but by messenger or herald , and the vassal could not at that stage accept any ruling of the court .
15 There was some difference that she could not at first put her finger on , and then at last it came to her ; it was she who had said ‘ We shall go ’ and their presence in the forest had flowed from that .
16 But they could not at this point publicly repudiate him .
17 While Davidge could not at that time be more specific , he observed , ‘ the appointment of Sir Anthony is intended to stimulate discussion and to help us rexamine all existing and potential services ’ .
18 He could not at that stage hope to fulfil this role himself .
19 Though what it was that she knew , she could not at that moment have said .
20 When Helen arrived at the hall in which the choir concert was to be held she could not at first see Giles Carnaby .
21 It was as if a great void had opened and I could not at first believe that there would be no more visits to the balere with him .
22 Harry could not at first believe that the tall and graceful youth beside Ockleton in the picture was the same man he had met at Tyler 's Hard .
23 It had taken a few days to persuade her ladyship to accept change , for she had for so long been used to living in squalor that she could not at first accustom herself to an altered way of life .
24 Even now , when her anger was plain , he could not at once adjust to the notion .
25 It went to the extent of stating , ‘ … the TUC could not at any stage commit itself in advance to approve or acquiesce in the methods to be adopted to reach full employment simply because those methods can be shown to be well fitted and even necessary to the achievement of that objective …
26 He turned his head to stare at me as if he could n't at once comprehend my interest , but then , understanding , said of course I could go if I wanted to .
27 It was hard to believe and she could n't at first .
28 And she did n't , could n't at that moment conceive of any reason , however remote , why he would want to make love to her .
29 Er I do n't think I could n't at this moment in time , give you the components
30 But I have n't got I could n't at this stage say I could do a tap next year .
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