Example sentences of "[to-vb] [Wh adv] well " in BNC.

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1 Shindler will carry out an environmental compliance audit , to establish how well a company is complying with existing legislation .
2 However , [ 15b ] is less direct than [ 15c ] in the sense that the hearer would have to derive the contextual implication conveyed explicitly in [ 15c ] in order to establish how well B got on .
3 Chapter 13 records the sending of spies into the country , to discover how well defended it is .
4 And Alan Millet traced a path to discover how well a man might withstand the sophistication of modern interrogation at the hands of the masters of that art .
5 Also , it is difficult to know how well Rank 's negotiating position would have held up after cinema admissions had started their precipitate decline in the mid-1950s .
6 Volunteers are naturally eager to know how well the event has done so it 's best that the cash is totalled before they leave then either banked straight away or placed in the safe keeping of the headteacher or the deputy until the bank opens on the following day .
7 ( Beware of those therapists who seek to charge you for a complete course of treatment at the very beginning , as it is almost impossible to know how well each individual will respond and therefore how many sessions will be needed . )
8 B. When people want to know how well the whole of British industry is doing , they use the success or failure of ICI ( Imperial Chemical Industries ) as a guide , since its products are used by most other firms .
9 For example , a manufacturer of upholstery fabric may want to know how well his cloth wears , so he gives a certain piece of the cloth a standardized ‘ rubbing ’ test to see how many rubs it can stand before wearing through .
10 Managers , investors and other interested groups invariably wish to know how well an organization performed during a given period and its financial position at a given point in time .
11 Accounts are also kept for shareholders , but American accounting laws allow studios to guess how well a film will do in each of its markets ( an invitation either to claim profits early or to put off losses ) ; for the tax man ( ditto ) ; and for various stars who have been promised shares of a film 's net profit — a figure which a studio wants to keep as low as possible .
12 If not I 'll just have to guess how well my team are doing ! ! !
13 Edward recalls this attitude clearly among the Swindon-Welsh cronies of his paternal grandmother : ‘ They used to remark how well my father was doing , my grandfather who had long been dead having only been a fitter ’ .
14 Executives and professional specialists need to think through what information is for them , what data they need : first , to know what they are doing ; then , to be able to decide what they should be doing ; and finally , to appraise how well they are doing .
15 He endorsed the aims of contributing to the raising of all pupils ' achievement through and beyond the national curriculum , of improving pupils ' motivation and increasing their participation in education , of preparing pupils better for the transition to further education , training or employment — and , all important in the preparation and review of management plans , of helping schools to consider how well their curriculum , teaching and organization enabled pupils to develop their all-round potential ( DES 1990b ) .
16 The aim of this investigation is to determine how well the syntax analyser behaves when the lattice is successively degraded .
17 Michael Howard , Minister of State for Housing , hailed the move as a ‘ clear enhancement of tenants ’ rights ' , enabling people to judge how well local authorities ran housing .
18 It is also likely to be unpolished and you need to judge how well it will travel .
19 Here 's a chance for you to assess how well you talk in relationships .
20 In a new survey on ‘ National Orchestra Provision ’ , due to be published in July , the BBC and the Arts Council have set out to assess how well this musical plenty reaches audiences and how the number of concert-goers can be increased .
21 Three of the questions in the Hull survey were designed to assess how well known these ideas have become .
22 Giving marks for written work can help the student to assess how well he is doing and can serve as reinforcement ( either because good marks tell him he is making satisfactory progress or because poor marks will tell him he must make a grater effort ) .
23 Its purpose is not to describe how the economy works but to assess how well it works .
24 Its purpose is not to describe how the economy works but to assess how well it works .
25 The congregation usually watched him with a perverse relish which he mistook for devout attention , but this Sunday afternoon there was palpably an added curiosity to see how well he managed to live down the shaming comedy he had enacted on horseback a few days before .
26 A national curriculum , they add , will allow children to move schools without utterly disrupting their education ; and objective assessment will enable both teachers and parents to see how well a child is doing .
27 At a reception afterwards we were happy to see how well she remembered her earlier appearances with Macmillan in Vancouver .
28 It is now worthwhile to see how well we are doing with recording the other senses .
29 He then applied a series of increasingly restrictive statistical ‘ decision rules ’ to see how well the test handled the twin demons of false negatives ( that is , the failure to detect a carcinogen ) and false positives ( registering an innocuous substance as carcinogenic ) .
30 Then , looking satisfied with herself , she marched out into the yard to see how well her orders had been carried out and , incidentally , to show off her fine clothes .
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