Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 Liz Headleand stared at the scene with a marked lack of dismay , as Kate Armstrong knelt down and started to dust the earth off Giles , looking up to ask anyone who might be interested about the little blobs of white polystyrene that always seem to come mixed with bulb fibre : ‘ What is this stuff ? ’ asked Kate , ‘ I 've often wondered , ’ as she proceeded to re-pot a hyacinth with one hand while stroking Giles 's shoulder with the other .
2 Visiting friends can be a great help for this , and you can ask them to come prepared with items to read to the patient , or ideas to discuss .
3 In your shoes I 'd have expected him to come prepared with a big stick . ’
4 However , consider the sort of lexical content you would expect to find associated with the forms treatment , landing , party and basin in a dictionary entry , and note how finding the forms embedded within a co-text constrains their interpretation .
5 ( 4 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer the goods he contracted to sell mixed with goods of a different description not included in the contract , the buyer may accept the goods which are in accordance with the contract and reject the rest or he may reject the whole .
6 The need to talk prevailed with Mrs Gray .
7 The test may be used as a screening device , although it is relatively time-consuming to administer compared with other tests .
8 The child was agile enough to seem filled with helium , as if he had mass without weight .
9 The only way in which er you could get how shall I put it , another view on the issue , would be to continue the debate here on whether or not the outer northern fulfils the functions and the needs which it pr claims to do compared with the inner routes between Knaresborough and Harrogate .
10 This blockbuster may have been intended to rival Gone with the Wind but the result is sub-Dallas , sub-Dynasty .
11 But , unusually , the venture will do everything from research and design through to manufacture compared with the now notorious ‘ screwdriver ’ assembly-only factories set up by many foreign investors in Britain .
12 I hope you are pleasantly surprised at how much further you are now able to stretch compared with the early days of the programme .
13 We know that families are tied to school holiday dates , and for that reason we offer our highest discounts during these periods ; this is the best time to go combined with the best value .
14 but every front line regiment in the Germ , in Germany had , they were the first tank regiment to get completed with er , er , computer optic sights and stuff
15 Eamon Wilson , The Beeches , Portadown , is alleged to have conspired with a person or persons unknown to make a threat to Sean McIvor , making him fear that if it were carried out he would be killed .
16 According to Cyril Ray in his penetrating profile Bollinger ( 1971 ) , one house was spared and he records that fifteen years after the riots Madame Bollinger overheard a passer-by outside one of her windows say , ‘ That 's the Bollinger house , you know : we did n't touch it during the riots here — as a matter of fact , we lowered our flag to it when we passed ! ’ 'Probably the red flag , ’ Madame is supposed to have commented with pleased irony .
17 As we walked around the town I witnessed several incidents as girls who had been known to have collaborated with the German forces were seized by members of the Resistance and had their hair chopped off , to the jeers and cat-calls of those standing around .
18 The martial-law administrator , Crown Prince Saad , says that nobody will be expelled unless he or she is known to have collaborated with the Iraqis .
19 Even more dramatically , Darren Coulbourn , the white boy from Burnage High School who murdered Ahmed Iqbal Ullah and triumphantly proclaimed ‘ I 've killed a Paki ’ , was also known to have collaborated with an Asian boy in burning down the art block and ‘ used to get into trouble ’ at school ( as the Burnage Report puts it ) in the company of an Afro-Caribbean boy .
20 Once the Iraqis had pulled out , Kuwaiti vigilantes began combing the city for any Iraqi soldiers still hiding in the ruins and for anyone known or thought to have collaborated with the enemy , with Palestinians coming in for particular attention .
21 Ian Traill , director of the Glasgow-based EuroInfo centre , said last night : ‘ We are delighted to have collaborated with The Scotsman in promoting this service and bringing the single market to the doorstep of Scottish business . ’
22 Similarly in Re New Mashonaland Exploration Company Vaughan Williams J commented , obiter , that where a company has resolved to lend money on security , to have parted with the money before the security had been created would have been negligent .
23 If he 'd done something to or around the horses , I thought , then he had to have travelled with us on the train .
24 By the middle and later 1960s , however , this ‘ Cisalpine ’ theological agenda was being overtaken by a more evidently twentieth-century one : modern biblical scholarship turned out not to have stopped with Westcott and Lightfoot nor even with Dodd , but seemed much more a matter of swallowing Bultmann and Nineham ; ecumenical theology now led one less to Luther and Calvin or even Barth than to the vapid profundities of Tillich , Bishop Robinson 's Honest to God and beyond .
25 and what happened remember what happened what what did well what what 's going to get formed with zinc and chlorine about ?
26 Both his father and his uncle had been Stickies , while several younger relatives were reputed to have broken with the official wing and gone over to the Provies .
27 In work on anaphor resolution , the democratic approach seems to have originated with the non-computational work of Kantor ( 1977 ) , who defined ‘ concept activatedness ’ as the net effect of a variety of different factors .
28 Although he agreed that the legend was a piece of fiction , he believed it to have originated with someone unacquainted not only with the real history of the abbey but also with history in general , probably a professional itinerant storyteller in the middle to late sixteenth century .
29 Supple considers the modern form to have originated with the Society for Equitable Assurances on Lives and Survivorships in 1762 , but its example was not followed by the Royal Exchange for another twenty years and only two new life companies were formed before 1800 .
30 Each intersegmental sclerite is believed to have fused with the segmental plate behind it .
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