Example sentences of "[to-vb] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 All the more important , then , to stand protected from the like and ensure that all things — not excluding alcohol — conspire to bear visible witness to that ruddy hue sported by the English living in the Tropics . ’
2 Thus , pressure is increasing to identify sources and modes of transmission , and to segregate colonised from non-colonised patients .
3 The description by Jill Tweedie of the organic sheep farmer I was travelling to meet bounced from the page : ‘ This once respectable female stripped off and began sitting around in front of cameras with her legs apart and her hands in unmentionable places . ’
4 Likewise , though a loyal supporter of the societies of which he was a valued member , he managed to remain detached from any of the inevitable petty politics .
5 To do this , the researcher has to remain detached from the group at the same time as becoming a member of it .
6 D ) Pipette disposal box , the exterior of which is covered with 1 mm lead to eliminate Bremsstrahlung from the plexiglass .
7 Civilian patients had been turned out three days earlier , as the hospital prepared to receive wounded from the Eastern theatre of war .
8 Scriptural authority was a further resource in his assault on Aristotelian philosophy , for there was no reference in Genesis to the creation of fire , which he wished to see excised from the elements .
9 To recap then , there are two ways in which some awareness of credit costs may influence people 's shopping : their subjective impression of comparative costliness , which tends to be reasonably realistic ; and their objective awareness of interest rates and so forth , which tends to be sketchy , and — given American experience — even with increasing familiarity after implementation of Consumer Credit Act quotations and advertising regulations is likely to remain divorced from their actual understanding of the cost of individual credit transactions .
10 Then , with horror , he realised that Johnny knew — had discovered the secret he had managed to keep hidden from everyone for years .
11 Plasma insulin concentration was measured in duplicate by radioimmunoassay with a charcoal absorption step to separate bound from free insulin ; Novo Human MC Insulin was used as the standard ( Novo Research Laboratories , Bagsvaerd , Denmark ) and Wellcome RD 10 guinea pig antiporcine insulin antiserum ( Wellcome Research Laboratories , Beckenham , Kent ) and insulin labelled with iodine-125 ( Amersham International , Amersham , Buckinghamshire ) as tracer .
12 Some bees come to recognise tripped from untripped flowers and frequent only the former , while others learn to chew a hole in the side of the flower so as to rob untripped blossoms without ever venturing inside .
13 Marcus Browning was the hit man … that 's three goals in three games for him … but it was n't enough to save United from a 2-1 deafeat …
14 His attitude to labour changed from that of an early nineteenth-century Tory paternalist , advocating model villages provided by employers and condemning trade unions , to that of a post-Disraelian Conservative who believed in self-help and free collective bargaining .
15 In our attempts to take racism seriously we denied the importance of heterosexism by allowing it to remain excluded from the agenda .
16 To have gathered from the air a live tradition
17 The board of the faculty shall deem a student to have withdrawn from the University if the student has been absent without leave from prescribed instruction for a period of four weeks .
18 But he seems to have withdrawn from his earlier commitment to critical theory and become increasing involved in the philosophical basis of communicative action .
19 There seems to be no sense in which the idea of the Commonwealth can be said to have developed from Indirect Rule , but the similarity of the language employed , and the fact that enthusiasts for one were usually enthusiasts for the other , would appear to suggest that the two ideas sprang from the same rich soil , composted over the years of imperial fact and imperial fancy .
20 Much of this moral panic about population ageing seems to have developed from the widespread and possibly indiscriminate use of population dependency ratios ( Calasanti and Bonanno 1986 ) .
21 Petitions from communities , or common petitions , were few in Edward 's reign , and though they may have derived something from the example of clerical grievances , they could hardly have failed to have developed from private petitions .
22 The particle ia , which functions as a relativizer , bracketing off relative from main clause , as in 55 , is shown to have developed from an earlier deictic function , as in 56 :
23 These are thought to have developed from small differences in the density of the early universe from one region to another .
24 This feature , which is thought to have developed from a desire for an apse and altar both for abbot and his monks at the east end , and for the bishop and laity at the west , gave no opportunity for masons and sculptors to decorate a deeply moulded western porch , as was usual in France or England .
25 Ninety three per cent of gall bladders were shown to be functioning and nine ( 9.8% ) contained stones , although five of these are believed to have developed from residual fragments .
26 Recurrent stones in five of the nine patients followed up for a median of 14 months are believed to have developed from residual fragments .
27 Claimed to have jumped from a window . ’
28 Although Voipreux seems to have jumped from nowhere to a 95% premier cru , it does possess some choice sites nestled between Vertus and Villeneuve-Renneville on the lower east-facing slopes of the Côte des Blancs .
29 Over the past year alone , the group claims to have jumped from being the ninth most popular supplier of personal systems in Europe to being sixth , with unit shipments up 40% .
30 I ought to have guessed from the smell , but it was new to me . "
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