Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Later , after he had been influenced by certain paintings by Cézanne , Picasso began to treat solid forms in a more arbitrary , empirical or experimental fashion and to explore the possibilities of representing them without the aid of traditional perspective .
2 Some of them used to wear normal clothes if they were going home afterwards , some would come in uniform but without their keys .
3 They were not required to wear normal police uniform , or to cut their hair short , both of which were considered demeaning .
4 Social tension would reach explosion point , making it easier for conservatives to restore administrative methods .
5 Under the first three Edwards when the government was located in York in order to conduct the war against the Scots — or to evade political constraints at Westminster — the archbishop of York 's household became an important source of royal clerks , especially during Melton 's tenure of the see ( 1316–40 ) ; these Yorkshire clerks dominated the chancery of Edward II and were also influential in the exchequer and wardrobe .
6 In the tropics where there are only wet and dry seasons and food is available almost all year round , birds do not need to perform extensive migrations , and the breeding season can be prolonged to the point where some birds can be found nesting almost the whole year round .
7 Cambridge ink-jet printer maker Domino Printing Sciences Plc told the annual meeting yesterday that despite the strong finish to 1992 , first quarter trading has been below expectations and this was bound to affect interim results : in particular , sales in the US were unexpectedly slow during the first three months coinciding with the change of administration , it said .
8 It is an easy trick to target controversial buildings and , in the mind 's eye at least , to pull them down .
9 He wants to see agricultural societies developed throughout Burma , with something like the flower and vegetable shows in an English village .
10 According to a spokesman , " the orders regarding the opening of fire were clarified and broadened to enable Israeli soldiers to properly react in cases of danger to life " .
11 The morning after the general 's briefing , Iraq brought its latent air capability out of hiding , and tried to hit allied warships in the Gulf .
12 Politically , relations remained tense for much of this middle period , sufficiently so to affect economic links between England and France , and England was allied with the semi-independent feudatories of the French Crown , Burgundy and Brittany , on a number of occasions until they were absorbed into the lands of the Valois dynasty in 1477 and 1492 respectively .
13 Activated carbon tends to be used to treat low concentrations of highly odorous compounds or large concentrations of lesser odorous compounds which may or may not be toxic .
14 Delegates are regarded as mandated by those who elect them to support specific policies and to return to explain their subsequent decisions .
15 Support teachers sole brief is to support specific children may find that they have little room for manoeuvre to combat these likely problems .
16 But humbly regret that the Gracious Speech seeks to continue economic policies which have caused a deep and damaging recession , falling output and investment , rising unemployment and record levels of business failures and house repossessions ; and call upon the Government to adopt a programme for recovery which will encourage investment and rising levels of employment by the promotion of sustained investment in the manufacturing sector , by encouraging industrial innovation through the application of science and technology and by fully exploiting the potential of the neglected regions through vigorous regional policies , and by providing new opportunities in education and training which are crucial to Britain 's economic recovery and future prosperity .
17 Careful photographic recording is most important to support subjective descriptions , but this has problems in itself ( see below ) .
18 As noted above , Aristo argued , by analogy with the way in which the words were interpreted in the case of a legacy of dowry and in stipulations on sale of an inheritance , and bearing in mind the testator 's intention , that the words should be taken to include non-pecuniary dispositions .
19 The government remained reluctant to implement political reforms along the lines suggested by Soviet President Gorbachev , however , preferring to maintain its traditional Marxist-Leninist model of development .
20 Furthermore , the shareholders as the principal were entitled to issue specific instructions to the directors which as agents they were obliged to implement .
21 All that remained was to issue specific orders for action to Kirov in Russia and Phil Andersen in Turkey .
22 It is possible to climb the circular stairs to enjoy far-reaching views from the towers and battlements .
23 It was thought necessary to have such authoritarian power and to combine legislative and executive functions in one person to implement economic reforms — the shift from a planned to a market economy — as quickly as possible .
24 He said that the PLO would call on all Arab states to implement economic sanctions against the USA .
25 He also warned that he would be requesting special powers for the Cabinet in order more speedily to implement economic measures , including privatizations , because , he said , state finances were in " a dire condition " .
26 The acceptance of the waging of war in order to uphold Islamic principles — Holy War or Jihad ( Qur'an 2 : 194 ; 22 : 39–41 )
27 The Canadian government has banned cod fishing on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland and Labrador — formerly the richest cod fishery in the world — in an effort to conserve rapidly-declining stocks .
28 More importantly , Soviet diplomats have by and large restrained from trying to cultivate political ties with groups considered unacceptable to the government in question and , when accused of doing so , have apologised and made every effort to smooth over the situation , in dramatic contrast to the vehement denials and abusive tirades which any such allegation elicited in the 1930s .
29 ‘ Our directive is to support multinational companies moving into Eastern Europe , ’ says Andrew Gibson , BT 's director for Eastern Europe , whose group welcomes enquiries from accountancy firms thinking of setting up there , or whose clients intend to do so .
30 Aimed at firms that need to support technical products , the system is meant to manage all the data generated by a corporation across multiple departments about customers , products and how and why those products are used .
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