Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] thing " in BNC.

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1 Now is n't this a more civilised way to go about things ?
2 Although this may seem a very tedious way to go about things , it is the only sure method of success .
3 This may sound a rather aggressive and mercenary way to go about things , but it is the philosophy to which I am referring , rather than your personal approach .
4 Princesse Mat always knew how to go about things .
5 That was no way to go about things .
6 ‘ I know it 's not a good way to go about things , ’ said Peter .
7 The whole system of things and people which surrounds us coerces us to be conformist ; even if you want to be a social rebel you will still have to go about things in a conventional way if you are to gain recognition and not be rated as insane .
8 No they just seemed to know how to go about things a hell of a lot better than we did .
9 It 's not the right way to go about things
10 They do n't know how to go about things .
11 I have to go for things , grab them when they 're offered . ’
12 ‘ I was not prepared to go for things and not sure of myself .
13 Oh , Shelley , Clive was a nice enough person and he was always good to me , but he was n't right for me , and although I appeared to live happily I used to long for things to be as they were between Felipe and me .
14 Well there 's an organization in Radford who can help out with both of these things they 're called A T O Training and they can tell you all you need to know about things like application forms and interview techniques as well as advice about further education and wan t what to do if you want to start your own business .
15 If my girlfriend f—s somebody else , or if I f— somebody else , or we 're not getting along , it 's always my reaction to write about things .
16 But never mind no time to worry about things like that .
17 You can charter a Redwing , arrive , be ferried to the boat and back again , and you do n't have to worry about things like painting , varnishing and antifouling .
18 Although why anyone with a Silver Cloud needs to worry about things yielding up their secrets is still a mystery to me .
19 I do n't seem to worry about things .
20 I do n't need to worry about things like that
21 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
22 I thank you Chair , I mean , clearly I have to ask for a little bit of license on this one , in that I have to comment on things outside of my own district , erm but you will not be surprised to hear , given my evidence earlier that the City Council 's view is quite clearly that there is sufficient land with , on the edge of York , the main urban area , which could accommodate this type of level of development and obviate the need for a new settlement in the structure plan period , I accept , however , of course that that is dependant upon the definition of the inner boundary of the greenbelt , if the City Council 's view on that is er acceptable then Inspector , I believe there will be sufficient sites to obviate the the need for a new settlement , clearly if the Inspector takes a tighter view on the greenbelt , then there will be little land opportunity within the main urban area for this .
23 I wish we 'd had time to work on things .
24 Maggie had to work at things because Mitch was very different from his usual amusing self .
25 People can relatively easily be stimulated to talk about things in a particular way .
26 Do n't be afraid to ask questions , to talk about things that upset you .
27 p. 131 ) ; ‘ I hate books : they only teach us to talk about things we know nothing about ’ ( ibid .
28 It is probably her presence that encourages the children to compare the size of the dolls and to talk about things they notice as they play .
29 ‘ The businessman does n't want to go to different people to talk about things on the marketing front and someone else on the financial front . ’
30 Try to talk about things that are n't on the list , to find out a little more about Moore and how shaky he is , how super-sensitive , how damned defensive , and you 'll be faced with as much sternness and disapproval as he can muster .
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