Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The papers included here also tackle the main features required to implement effectively the new approach which we have outlined above .
2 The Democrat majority on the research and development subcommittee voted to cancel outright the " Brilliant Pebbles " programme — the scheme to destroy incoming ballistic missiles by orbiting more than 1,000 small missiles in space — which constituted the centrepiece of the current SDI project .
3 For registry staff to monitor effectively the accuracy and completeness of this operation requires detailed record-keeping and effortless access to data .
4 When the radiator is full , close the air vent , reset the lockshield valve to its original setting , replace its cover , and open the handwheel valve to allow water to circulate right the way through it .
5 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
6 We can not be far from the day of the conversation robot that will relieve us of obligation to greet politely the occasional recognisable human that strays across our path .
7 er to go right the way through to Venice and you 've got to stay at Venice for at least a couple of days so oh and it , er , I think er , you 're talking about two thousand at least just for that four days , you know ?
8 However , many places will become dry with clear periods , allowing the temperature to fall right the way down to two degrees celsius , that 's thirty six degrees fahrenheit , leading to a ground frost and patchy fog .
9 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
10 To ‘ love the motherland ’ was to embrace wholeheartedly the doctrines of the leadership , even if they were slightly contradictory .
11 In any case , no head is powerful enough to carry effectively the sort of responsibility that the management of the National Curriculum , in the context of the rest of the Act , will bring .
12 This support is rarely total but undoubtedly some newspapers , e.g. the Daily Mail , Sun , are more ready than others to support wholeheartedly the political party of their choice .
13 I want to comment briefly on the Government 's proposals and to support wholeheartedly the new clauses and amendments tabled by my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) .
14 The defendant contended that he thought that he was a good enough shot to hit only the bottles .
15 Journalists rarely investigate , tending to report only the words and actions of others .
16 There was still an hour to wait so the Feldwebel suggested that we should have some coffee .
17 Initially , most contracts are likely to include only a broad specification of the service being purchased .
18 If the South is redefined to include only the four regions of the South East , South West , East Anglia and the East Midlands , then the net movement of people from North to South can be seen to have risen from a low point of only around 10,000–20,000 a year in the early 1970s to a peak of nearly 70,000 by 1985–86 ( Figure 4.2 ) .
19 They were very disappointed to see only a dirty , black-haired gipsy child .
20 An individual GP probably gets to see only a few cases of Meningitis in his career .
21 Footballers and boxers , too , often have their entry into the sports world aided by zealous school teachers , though , overwhelmingly , they choose to see only the formative years up to , say , the age of 13 as affected by teachers .
22 In Wagner himself , at all events , he continued to see only the image that Wagner wished to project : an " idealistic cast of mind " , an " incredible seriousness and German depth " in his view of life and art , an epitome of " our German mission " in every way .
23 But it is a heavily biased reading of Dame Sirith to see only the antifeminist direction and to ignore the unfavourable reflections upon Wilekin 's base attitude and desires .
24 I CAN IMAGINE THE INDIGNANT HOWLS OF protest as collectors all over the country now run to their shelves to gather together a clutch of beloved performances .
25 You will then need to gather together the necessary things to make an application .
26 Have you been able to gather together the whole of your father 's former collection ?
27 BETWEEN 1945 , WHEN the war ended , and 1956 when the first Reichmann son , Edward , appeared in Canada , Samuel engaged in a programme of frenzied European activity , the purpose of which was to gather together the early Reichmann millions .
28 do n't let's , do n't let's try and assume the , all we 're , all we 're trying to do is to gather together the bit that we can put into the pot , and to present it in a logical fashion , to say , if this , then we belief that , and if that , then we believe the other ,
29 I would like to support obviously the motion that was a and it was moved .
30 Moreover the devices seem to perform better the more they are miniaturised .
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