Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It has therefore also done little to promote professional and moral accountability : the improvement of educational practice .
2 For a time it seemed that Moran might choose to remain seated and force McQuaid to make his own way out of the house .
3 Come to think of it , it is most unusual at any hour for so many hon. Ladies and hon. Gentlemen in the Chamber to remain seated when I rise to speak .
4 It 's going to remain dry but dull the temperature only rising to seven Celsius forty five Fahrenheit so it will feel chilly in the easterly breeze .
5 Er it yes it it 's true to tell , gone on record on several occasions saying in terms of environmental capacity there 's the potential within Selby district to accommodate eleven and a half thousand dwellings , however I did later qualify those comments with reference to the emerging local plan , which is the main vehicle we 've we 've got for identifying potential development sites and the the qualification was that was that land is not necessarily available in in the right places , to enable us to make a a reasonable distribution for development in accordance with P P G advice , so that the question of a new settlement remains an extremely attractive option for Selby District , and as I mentioned this morning , in terms of whi we would be approximately eight hundred and fifty dwelli whi we would be approximately eight hundred and fifty dwellings short , in any case , erm
6 I I w would like to point out , whether or not we are going to continue to delegate degrees of authority to our service committees , or whether we 're going to over-rule that and say , oh no , only P and R ultimately full council will be able to take any decisions .
7 Whereas the revolutionary upheaval of 1917 had seemed to them to foreshadow an entirely novel social order in which power would remain firmly in the hands of the masses themselves , the Bolsheviks proceeded to restore hierarchical and coercive control in every field .
8 Congress should be asked to continue economic and military aid with the objective of achieving a well-trained , efficient army of 65,000 men , including air detachments adequate for maintaining political order inside South Korea , a coastguard of 4,000 men , and a police force of 35,000 possessing small arms and ammunition .
9 There was something like a regular cursus honorum : the capable chaplain was provided with endowment in the form of canonries and dignities in this and that cathedral , for which he was expected to perform little or no duty , and eventually with a bishopric .
10 Here , the English Tourist Board and the local authority decided the magnificent fifteenth-century castle , if it was to remain intact and open to the public , would not find a purchaser without permission for development .
11 Rangers nevertheless extended their lead over Aberdeen in the championship to ten points after a performance which had seemed destined to go unrewarded before the floodgates opened .
12 Now some of you in the room , believe it or not , will be happy to hit that and sit at that .
13 This caveat was echoed in Sybron Corp v Rochem Ltd [ 1983 ] 3 WLR 713 where it was said that if an employee were required to report each and every breach of duty by fellow employees this would ruin good industrial relations .
14 The new President of the Bundesbank , Helmut Schlesinger , has written , ‘ it is essentially political factors which have pushed the German government to promote Economic and Monetary Union .
15 This programme aims to promote economic and social advancement and to encourage reconciliation between the two traditions .
16 Initially the stated aim had been to promote economic and cultural co-operation , but the revolutionary developments in Eastern Europe since 1989 had added a new dimension , the grouping coming to be viewed as a vehicle for bringing emergent east European democracies into the Western fold .
17 Try as she might to sound polite but distant , she could n't help but hear the ice in her own normally warm voice , and that annoyed her .
18 She forced her voice to sound polite and casual .
19 The first covered standard EC activities including the existing 1957 Treaty of Rome , amended to include economic and monetary union and the EC 's separate Euratom and coal and steel treaties [ see pp. 15951-56 ; 15927-30 ; 11905-10 ] .
20 The parliament , designed to promote political and economic integration in the region , was formally established on Oct. 28 by Honduras , Guatemala , and El Salvador , but its credibility was immediately in question as neither Costa Rica nor Nicaragua had joined , for domestic constitutional reasons , and would remain as observers .
21 If patients are forced to go private because the local dentists opt out of the National Health Service , fees will triple .
22 If patients are forced to go private because the local dentists opt out of the National Health Service , fees will triple .
23 Not only does this allow the clinical group to monitor and modify their own treatment programmes but subsequently through the introduction of costing systems enable clinicians and managers to come together to plan case-mix and future service patterns .
24 In the face of continuing demonstrations , Roh made a televised broadcast on May 7 in which he warned that the country was sliding into " chaos " , and promised tougher action to uphold law and order , together with a commitment to promote " economic justice " and to restore political and economic stability by the end of the year .
25 Repeated notes , both in groups of twos and threes , are a characteristic feature of horn writing , and though passages requiring considerable agility are to be found in most modern scores they are usually well and safely doubled by other instruments , as they are apt to sound woolly and ill-defined in shape if left to the horns alone .
26 The Senate may vote this week on a bill to give the proposed department that authority , but the issue is expected to remain controversial when it moves to the House of Representatives .
27 The Western states have always possessed a more extensive range of military bases and facilities in the Third' World than the Soviet Union , and American strategists have relied on such facilities more than their Soviet counterparts to sustain regional and global commitments and military contingency plans .
28 For instance , in the UK the Confederation of British Industry publishes a four monthly basis a national survey of the opinions of a lab sample of companies whether they expect their sales , exports , production , employment and investment to remain stable or change .
29 On those figures , neither the Liberal Democrats or any other single party would be able to sustain Labour or the Conservatives in office .
30 Managing projects across countries , and linking different databases on different equipment , are challenging and interesting prospects for information managers , and will oblige us to acquire scarce and commercially valuable expertise , available later for consultancy .
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