Example sentences of "[subord] did [art] " in BNC.

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1 Quite clearly , as costs were four times direct revenue , 10 per cent ( for example ) saving in costs had much more effect on the balance than did a potential 20 per cent increase in revenue , so energy was at first concentrated on the cost base .
2 No group in society , however , symbolized the alienation of key institutions from the government more clearly than did the university teachers .
3 One Washington ambassador of a small West European country says that America kept his government more closely informed of the progress of the ‘ two-plus-four ’ talks on German unity than did the West Germans , French or British .
4 Some health professionals even argued that they learnt more from the process than did the ‘ recipient ’ villagers .
5 A born raconteur , the racy style of his lectures , with his well known yarns — the most famous being that of the ‘ Woman who did ’ — I suspect got more chemistry into our thick heads than did the much admired cool , classic perfection of the lectures of Prof F. L. Pyman .
6 Again then there is no evidence that the project achieved greater success in sustaining people at home than did the normal services ( in fact the reverse appears to be the case ) .
7 This is not surprising — Labour offered far more to those in the cities than did the Conservatives .
8 The aerodynamicists replied that , in fact , the resistance of the rotors grew more slowly , with an increase in wind speed , than did the Buckau 's rigging .
9 And this is a useful contribution I can not believe that the book jacket blurb was seen by Barry Gale ; it informs us that ‘ In 1859 , when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species , he had no more evidence in support of his theory than did the creationists … ’ which is a caricature of Gale 's quite unexceptionable thesis .
10 It is a tribute to the awe in which Indirect Rule was held in the 1920s that their pretensions were taken seriously : few deliberative bodies in history can have had a higher regard for themselves as repositories of political wisdom than did the Conference of Residents .
11 He decided to consult Mr Dixon , his English teacher , who was also his counsellor and , therefore , knew more about him than did the other teachers .
12 The French took even stronger measures than did the British to discourage an African press .
13 It had fewer reporters , fewer offices and relied more heavily than did the Times on official press releases from the Government and its news agency , ZANA .
14 In 1987 BTR launched a bid for Pilkington , the world 's leading manufacturer of flat and safety glass , which presented the arguments about conglomerate mergers even more starkly than did the Hanson bid for Imperial .
15 There have been a number of other reformulations and reinterpretations that have done less violence to Mannheim 's legacy than did the early sociological and philosophical responses .
16 The deaf group were unanimous in putting ‘ accuracy of transmission of concepts ’ as absolutely essential and , interestingly , rated ‘ the ability to understand all signs used , no matter which part of the country they came from ’ , higher than did the hearing group .
17 Certainly children who start their primary school life in the late 1980s will enter a far richer classroom than did the children I was responsible for on my first day of teaching .
18 We can see that the CCCS presented a different picture of youth leisure styles than did the Albemarle Report .
19 Unfortunately , the institutional implications of this agenda in terms of the partial dismantling of Roman monarchy and a particular style of clerical ministry seemed more revolutionary than did the theology itself , and neither Council nor curia was anxious to consider them , beyond the encouragement of national or regional episcopal conferences , the establishment of a consultative synod of bishops and the ordination of married men as deacons .
20 Nevertheless , certain features of the gaol I saw seemed to reveal something more fundamental about imprisonment than did the state of the drains or other physical conditions , which may vary widely between institutions or , indeed , in the same institution over time .
21 The dominance of orthodox economic policies , cautious pragmatism and consensus politics reflected the mood of the British electorate in the 1920s rather more than did the utopian assumptions of the Die-hard remnant .
22 A variety of wording is used and it is difficult to be certain how such clauses will be interpreted ; but the change in judicial attitudes just noted would suggest that they will fare better than did the clause in Anisminic .
23 Dae-sook Suh has remarked that there is truth in the saying that the Japanese police created more communists by their draconian methods than did the Comintern by its intrigues .
24 Trilateralism was certainly an effective antidote to isolationism , even if it did not extinguish the assertiveness shown by the Lord Chancellor 's Department in securing a faster growth in the rate of expenditure on the courts and legal aid than did the Home Office on the police and prisons .
25 Of all these , Augmentations was probably the most remarkable , since its accounting processes were modern and it used a more rational system for collecting revenues than did the old Exchequer .
26 Both probably adhered more to the essential facts than did the lecturers on the City University evening course which the author attended .
27 The relatively straightforward use of the transitive property in the first question produced a much higher success rate than did the second series of questions .
28 So he headed off demands for a capital levy , knowing it to be unacceptable to his party , but Britain nevertheless paid for a higher proportion of the costs of the war from taxation than the other combatants ; he was also able to launch the Victory Loan of 1917 at an interest rate of only 5 per cent , having a surer sense of the patriotism of potential subscribers than did the Treasury .
29 The party took more easily to modern electioneering than did the Liberals , and gained an unexpected bonus in the votes of women , who have been a force for conservatism since their enfranchisement in 1918 .
30 In fact , on the whole , London — like Oxford — made fewer concessions to the liberal practices of collaborative seminar discussion than did the newer Institutions .
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