Example sentences of "[subord] had been " in BNC.

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1 The squad I ran became what can only be described as more ‘ disordered ’ and ‘ polluted ’ than had been the accepted norm , and we exhibited many verbal and nonverbal signals of this divergent nature .
2 Most economists believe that the tighter squeeze on the economy would now lead to a more rapid deceleration in inflation in the first half of next year than had been expected before yesterday 's base rate increase .
3 THE GASH sustained by Carroll House after he proved himself a cut above the rest of Europe in Sunday 's Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe looked a lot less serious than had been feared when Britain 's new equine hero was examined on his return to Newmarket yesterday , writes John Karter .
4 Mercedes explains that the biggest problem in developing the five-speed unit is the necessity to reduce mechanical and hydraulic losses to a lower level than had been achieved previously .
5 They had left Eastover days earlier than had been expected .
6 Owing to the delays that had occurred since the marketing studies were made in 1983 and because of the attractiveness of the finished scheme , it was found that considerably higher prices could be obtained for the flats than had been originally foreseen .
7 But disaster , when it came , was less severe than had been foretold .
8 If a business takes on more debt , its calculations can be thrown out by two things : if the interest cost of servicing the debt rises by more than was expected ; and if the cash flow earned by the business falls by more than had been planned for .
9 Yet both women brought a more intense and child-whorish eroticism to the screen than had been seen before , while retaining a suggestion of innocence at the heart of it .
10 Though open opposition , as the ‘ White Rose ’ showed , was futile against the might of the Gestapo and resistance groups were necessarily compelled to continue their work in secrecy and isolation , their hostility to the Nazi regime was now far less out of touch with the climate of opinion than had been the case even a few months earlier , before Stalingrad .
11 It seems a justifiable inference , too , that , even more than had been the case in 1939 , a sizeable proportion of the population would not have been saddened by Hitler 's assassination , and viewed his survival as a hindrance to the ending of the war .
12 A close contest between two evenly matched crews had been predicted and so it proved in conditions that were considerably better than had been anticipated .
13 In February 1990 , a MAFF study discovered that children and pregnant women were receiving more lead than had been thought , and recommended a level of 10 ug/litre , as applies in the USA .
14 On 19 July Roberts and Cross wrote to Dr John Lawrence at SWWA suggesting that the public had been exposed to a more serious hazard than had been admitted : they were told that they could meet Lawrence but he would give them no information .
15 The Roman Empire was itself more acceptable to provincial subjects than had been the case in the age of Augustus , and the emperor 's taste for Greek art , well publicised by Hadrian 's zest for provincial travel , therefore enjoyed wide support .
16 Clinical evidence began to accumulate , suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals .
17 For example , if the product proves less stable than had been anticipated it may be necessary to shorten the intervals between examinations .
18 Apart from those transmitted from China , medieval inventions included , for example , spectacles for reading , the spinning wheel , stronger iron tools than had been previously available , the heavy plough , and the use of coal as a fuel .
19 The modest resettlement programme in rural areas which aimed to improve the grossly inequitable distribution of land prevailing during the colonial period was less effective than had been hoped , and was cut back by the stabilization measures taken in 1982–84 .
20 Many owners — probably correctly — believed that prices would ultimately rise again , and few wanted to sell land at dramatically lower prices than had been initially paid to acquire it .
21 They take into account , for the first time , the magnetic influence of the monopoles , and find that monopoles should deposit more energy in these materials than had been previously suspected ( Physical Review Letters , vol 50 , p 644 ) .
22 Acidifying droplets can reduce the growth of trees and crops , at concentrations far lower , than had been suspected up to now .
23 We have been shown meanwhile that there was a great deal more continuity in the northern cities than had been supposed ; and that the contrast in their sites and situations between the cities of the plain in northern Europe and northern Italy , and the cities of the hills in Tuscany and Umbria , was the result in both cases of a long and complex history , of choices deliberately made and often repeated .
24 A soft , padded horse-collar was widely used by the twelfth century ; this enabled horses to pull a variety of lighter and heavier carts , faster and over greater distances than had been possible before .
25 The Data Protection Registrar , in publicising a closing date of May 1986 for the receipt of registrations , had no idea how many data users ought to be registering ; in the event the flow of registrations was far slower than had been hoped , but by the end of 1986 it was clear that the higher guesses were more likely to be right .
26 The wounds suggest that these dinosaurs were much more territorially inclined than had been thought .
27 All she had been told when she came round after the anaesthetic was that there had been a few complications and the operation had taken rather longer than had been expected .
28 I just though it was a simple misprint and with one stroke of the pen I changed ‘ otter ’ to ‘ other ’ , thus effecting a rather broader sweep to Party policy than had been intended .
29 Judicial officials were given more guidance as to punishment than had been available previously , but a great deal of discretion remained .
30 We explained all this in detail in the Report ( see chapters 2 to 5 this book ) , and in fact our Report demanded far more teaching about language than had been customary in most classrooms during previous decades .
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