Example sentences of "[subord] they come " in BNC.

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1 It did n't concern her where they came from , Marylebone or Mars , And by now she did n't care what shape they came in either , old , young , fat , thin , black , white , brown , whole or damaged .
2 Laughter is the same language the world over , and the sense of pride and group identity which is engendered when a group tells another about who it is and where they came from is a critical factor in the cementation of the group and fostering of indigenous skills .
3 What is more , the old iron trucks with their armour plating are still lying rusting beside the old Kubri road just where they came to a halt in 1948 , the wheels stripped of their tyres but their iron bullet shields still intact .
4 ‘ Send 'em back where they came from .
5 Microstratigraphy provides information on the environment of deposition of the sediments , where they came from and how they were deposited .
6 Recent palaeomagnetic studies , which identify the magnetic secrets ‘ frozen ’ into the rocks when they solidified , have also enabled scientists to decipher when the rocks moved and where they came from .
7 There were plenty more where they came from .
8 The impression of the wood grain is often preserved on the metal components where they came into contact .
9 And Preston very dubious , because she did n't look like she had a baby in her tummy and experience had taught him to be very sceptical about any information his family gave out , especially on the subject of babies and where they came from .
10 He said , ‘ Remember the peasant dance where they came out in the long , hooped skirts and you ca n't see their feet ?
11 She would never have been able to operate without her husband Eric , who for all his bluff and jolly manner was in practice a hard man , a no-nonsense man , who sent trouble-makers back where they came from , into the main prison system , without any heart-searchings or regrets .
12 ‘ Send them back where they came from , ’ the porter said to no one in particular , following it with an obscenity .
13 Still , there are plenty more where they came from .
14 I told him about my family and where they came from , then told him about my father .
15 Gina turned on her aunt in irritation : ‘ I tell you I 've never seen them before and I 've no idea where they came from . ’
16 He is not sure where they came from .
17 Plays about the fractured consciousness of working-class kids who had fought their way through the old class system , emerged on top , and still felt dissatisfied , still realizing that nothing had changed back where they came from , or where they had arrived .
18 They have n't forgotten where they came from and also who put them where they are today .
19 He never enquired where they came from .
20 Where they came from ( by region , for example , north-east , south-west , London and so on ) .
21 What they found was a police operation aimed at sending them back where they came from .
22 It took the three of them over an hour to reach the bottom of the slope , where they came to a halt .
23 Though Rivers gave some slight encouragement to Eliot in suggesting that even in our own society , religious changes have unforeseen and far-reaching effects parallel to those caused by the abolition of head-hunting in Melanesia , Eliot 's linking of ‘ cannibal isle ’ and that ‘ slick place ’ London goes directly against the main thrust of the book which stresses ‘ the almost immeasurable difference between Melanesian and European cultures , and the sharpness of the line which still divides them where they come in contact ’ .
24 You know that there are many paths leading to the house and from the house , but : ( a ) You do not know how many there are , where they come from , or where they go to .
25 Send us your clippings , stating clearly where they come from , and the date .
26 Send us your clippings , stating clearly where they come from , and the date .
27 The army list has provision for a number of characters without specifying who they are or where they come from within Ulthuan — it is assumed that players will like to create their own names and background histories for their characters .
28 Within its pages you will find background information explaining much about Orcs and their smaller cousins : where they come from , how they live and fight , and how their wars have helped to shape the Warhammer World .
29 What precisely those technologies are , and where they come from , is still under discussion , it says .
30 Both partners are in the ideas business , and if the ideas are good ones , it does n't matter where they come from .
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