Example sentences of "[subord] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 This Invention relates to lifts for transferring barges and other vessels from one level to another on canals and other waterways in lieu of an ordinary lock or flight of locks , the object of the invention being to obviate the loss of water from the higher to the lower level by lockage inseparable from the ordinary system and to provide for the passage of vessels simultaneously in both directions and at a single life and between levels of widely different altitude where by the loss of time incidental to the passage through a flight of locks is in great measure avoided .
2 Knowledge of Greek science and technology , combined with Iranian and Indian traditions and enhanced by further scientific studies and inventions , spread from there to other parts of the Islamic world , including Sicily and southern Italy and especially Moorish Spain , where by the twelfth century the main centres of learning were in Cordoba and Toledo .
3 The Russians themselves , along with other people from west of the Urals , settled most densely in a zone approximately 400 to 700 kilometres widen following the main land route across southern Siberia , with particularly large wedges near the Urals and between Omsk and Krasnoyarsk , where by the late nineteenth century practically no native people remained except for widely scattered villages of Tatars .
4 Where by the Act or the rules the time limited for doing any act is seven days or less , Saturday , Sunday , Christmas Day , Good Friday , Tuesday in Easter week , Bank Holidays and any other day on which the offices of the court are closed must be excluded in computing such time .
5 The government interest was even stronger in the upper chamber , where by the end of Anne 's reign between 40 per cent to 50 per cent of those peers active in the house held places or pensions from the Court .
6 ( 2 ) Provided that where by the partnership contract an option is given to surviving or continuing partners to purchase the interest of a deceased or outgoing partner , and that option is duly exercised , the estate of the deceased partner , or the outgoing partner or his estate , as the case may be , is not entitled to any further or other share of profits ; but if any partner assuming to act in exercise of the option does not in all material respects comply with the terms thereof , he is liable to account under the foregoing provisions of this section .
7 Where by the order a party is first ordered to do the act , and there is then added a clause in the order that in default of so doing specific consequences will follow , the part that directs the act to be done must use one or other of the above forms of wording .
8 No attachment might be made except by a sworn forester .
9 There is a plausible consistency about a well-developed derivational argument ( for examples see pp. 96–9 ) that can not be gainsaid except by a more inclusive one , for most such theses are not open to a direct test .
10 This means that she falls asleep in the car on the way to the airport and can not be woken except by a party of electricians returning from Corfu , who put her in a baggage trolley and push her the length of the terminal building at speeds of up to fifteen miles per hour .
11 When a tenant 's right to occupy comes to an end , the tenant can not be made to leave against his or her will , except by a court order .
12 To Sigouri was perhaps thirty miles and , although the rain kept away , it was dark and treacherous underfoot and they hardly spoke , men-at-arms or servants or principals , as they guided fresh horses across the grey soil of the Messaoria , splashing over burgeoning rivers ; imperceptible to silent villages , churches and monasteries except by a thud of hooves and the swimming spawn of their brands .
13 The valleys of the choked and overflowing streams were speedily transformed into long stretches of bog , impassable except by a few well-defined tracks , which became marks for the enemy 's artillery .
14 We have never found it an imposition to provide , at the beginning of a term a sheet of paper for each lecture setting out prerequisite knowledge , the subject of the lecture and reference to textbook work which would probably not be treated except by a mention .
15 The situation is best illustrated by a letter that reached me at this time from Mrs Mugabe : There was no way in which I could reply to the letter except by a futile expression of sympathy .
16 ( 2 ) No Motion shall be made in the Standing Committee relating to the sitting of the Committee except by a member of the Government , and the Chairman shall permit a brief explanatory statement from the Member who moves , and from a Member who opposes , the Motion , and shall then put the Question thereon .
17 No dilatory Motion with respect to , or in the course of , proceedings on the Bill shall be moved in the Standing Committee or on an allotted day except by a member of the Government , and the Question on any such Motion shall be put forthwith .
18 By the Criminal Law Act 1977 s. 6 , it is a crime to use or threaten violence for the purposes of securing entry to any premises occupied by another , except by a displaced residential occupier .
19 Someone who has much chronic ill health should not be treated except by an experienced practitioner .
20 In doing so I am rather like the doctor by the patient 's bedside , who knows ; although of course he does not tell the patient — that the outcome of the disease will depend upon something in the constitution of that patient which he can not control nor further influence and which he can not even ascertain , except by the event .
21 The militants trudged along the empty lanes unobserved except by the Chief Constable of the county and his forces .
22 Bagehot 's magic depends upon the fact that the common man or woman remains just that ; he or she can not , except by the most exceptional marriage , become part of the royal family .
23 Foresterships of fee , and the lands appurtenant thereto , were grand serjeanties , and therefore ought not to have been divided or alienated except by the king 's licence .
24 He returned to this theme again in 1953 , declaring : ‘ There is no hope for the safety and freedom of western Europe except by the laying aside for ever of the ancient feud between the Teuton and the Gaul .
25 Individual hands contained all kinds of more or less cursive elements , but the hands themselves cease to be worth classifying except by the dedicated palaeographer , pursuing studies or hypotheses in great detail .
26 But other research studies may necessitate some collecting of original data by means of observation , simply because the answers to the questions being asked can not be got except by the researcher going out and finding out .
27 This complements the 1 Corinthians 12:3 text : ‘ No-one can say , ‘ Jesus is Lord , ’ except by the Holy Spirit . ’
28 The silence in the room stretched out , unbroken except by the heavy , deliberate ticking of the long-case clock in the corner .
29 Please note that smoking is not permitted whilst on the coach ( except by the drivers ! ) .
30 It is not clear to what extent this view was held in the Low Country , but in Kandyan districts at that the ‘ crime is not , it is to be feared , regarded with sufficient gravity among Kandyans , except by the person victimised . ’
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