Example sentences of "[subord] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Hawaii Ironman is the original and ultimate triathlon , where the swim is through 2.4 miles of ocean , and is immediately followed by a 112-mile cycle ride up on the black lava fields , where by mid-morning the temperature will be over 100 degrees .
2 Both went first to the village school , where by coincidence Caroline is now the chairman of the governors .
3 The interplay of these factors was complex ; the two areas where the most advanced urban institutions were found were Flanders , where comital control was tight , and Gothia , where by contrast the count of Toulouse 's authority within the great cities was almost negligible , and where the clashes between vicecomital and episcopal powers facilitated independence .
4 It was not , alas , I who had been inadvertently left alone for two minutes in an antechamber where by chance lay the plan of the Althaus plumbing system — to prove , as so much that is missing does , the crucial piece of evidence when , later , people were trying to fit together the events that fired the conflagration of the civilised world .
5 Also two tours from the top take you down offpiste to the road , where by arrangement the hotel bus will pick you up .
6 Breach of the provisions of the Act involves the commission of an offence punishable by fine and may even in certain circumstances disqualify the firm from bringing proceedings to enforce its contractual rights — where by reason of the breach the defendant is unable to pursue his own claims against the firm or has otherwise suffered financial loss and the court does not consider that justice and equity require that the firm 's action should be allowed to proceed .
7 ( 2 ) Where by virtue of a decision of a licensing board under the proviso to subsection ( 1 ) above only alcoholic liquor other than spirits may be sold , it shall be an offence for the licence-holder or his employee or agent to sell spirits .
8 " Where by virtue or in consequence of any such transfer "
9 You see what our policy is M S two except b except by exception .
10 The students at Holy Cross took their share in the very considerable proof-reading , for we included collects , epistles and gospels , which had not been done except by reference in the earlier Burmese prayer books .
11 There was a change , though it was difficult to define it , except by reference to a few trivial details of behaviour .
12 ‘ The court 's general inherent power is always available to fill gaps or to supplement the powers of the local authority : what it will not do ( except by way of judicial review where appropriate ) is to supervise the exercise of discretion within the field committed by statute to the local authority .
13 Assignments of money in a bank account , except by way of charge , are not everyday transactions .
14 ‘ But they 'll not let her beyond the parish-union boundary except by way of proper apprenticeship , ’ he added .
15 3.5 You will ensure that in all respects ( except by way of design or specification where we have supplied the same ) the goods and/or the work comply with all relevant requirements of any statute , statutory rule or order , or other instrument having the force of law , which may be in force when the goods are delivered and/or the work performed as the case may be .
16 Many smaller listed companies are controlled by their directors or their family interests , making it impossible for an outsider to bid for them except by way of an agreed offer which is accepted by the controlling shareholders .
17 Farmers in the terai or plains are not really affected except by flooding — although for physiographic reasons most of the flooding occurs to the south of the border with India .
18 Somehow I ca n't imagine him ever giving money away — except by mistake on a race course or at the gambling tables !
19 The blue tits in any area may vary , but they can not be divided into two or more discrete groups ( except by sex , or by age ) , and the distinction between blue tits and great tits in any area is absolute ; intermediates do not exist because the two species do not interbreed .
20 Bozburun , the beautiful , landlocked little harbour almost inaccessible except by sea , on everyone 's itinerary .
21 Except by order or leave of the court or where all parties agree , no expert evidence ( which includes medical evidence ) may be adduced at the trial or hearing ( Ord 20 , rr 27 , 28 ) .
22 The Matrimonial Homes Act 1983 , which has almost entirely replaced the Matrimonial Homes Act 1967 which introduced the Class F Land Charge , gives a spouse who is not entitled to occupy a dwelling house by virtue of a beneficial estate or interest or contract , the right ( if in occupation ) not to be evicted or excluded therefrom except by order of the court and the right ( if not in occupation ) with the leave of the court to enter into and occupy the dwelling house .
23 Not only did the non-working bourgeois become increasingly frequent — in Cologne the number of rentiers paying income tax grew from 162 in 1854 to almost 600 in 1874 — but how else except by spending was the successful bourgeois , whether or not he held political power as a class , to demonstrate his conquest ?
24 They demanded the release of de la Mare and submitted a petition protesting against the annulment of statutes except by parliament .
25 Today Handa is uninhabited except by birds and is in the care of a warden .
26 Two or three numbers might be required as input to a calculation lasting several hours , impossible to accomplish except by computer and producing only a small volume of output .
27 Although my vision and dexterity are not impaired ( except by maturity ) I appreciate that patience , nimble fingers and keen eyesight are required to manipulate the latch tool with one hand whilst pulling the work firmly downward with the other .
28 The ‘ Oedipus complex ’ has become part of our common language , and yet it is seldom taken seriously ( except by parents of four-year-old boys — and even then it is unexpected ) .
29 HMIs are allowed to inspect any school , private as well as maintained , and all colleges of further and higher education maintained by LEAs or receiving money from public funds , but not universities ( except by invitation ) .
30 Except by sleight of logic and distortion of historical fact , the two positions can not be harmonised .
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