Example sentences of "[subord] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their voices rose on this note from the kitchen to saturate the bedroom above where on summer evenings you lay rigid with wakefulness .
2 On the night of 30 January they were not to reach this sought-after retreat without problems , for they had first to call at the Palace of Saint Cloud itself where on arrival they found the entire Imperial Household drawn up to receive them and , equally clearly , determined to stay to dinner .
3 Occasionally however more personal comments creep in such as in his 1814 publication , A Description of Sixty Small Prints where on page 17 he wrote ‘ Skiddaw has been called a generous Lord , and the Fells of Borrowdale frowning and haughty Tyrants .
4 But where on earth
5 All right , you 'd feel too guilty enjoying your third cup of coffee as your running fanatic slogs around the course , but where on earth do you stand ?
6 " But where on earth did he get that idea ? "
7 But where on earth could Dane be ?
8 ‘ But where on earth have you been ?
9 ‘ But where on earth did you get it ? ’
10 second , where on registration of a charge the Registrar ( as he can be required to do ) issues a certificate of registration stating the date on which particulars of a charge were delivered to him , this is made conclusive evidence that the particulars were delivered no later than the date stated on the certificate and a presumption that they were delivered no earlier .
11 Mm , except on bonfire night .
12 Hall offered her a job , and there she stayed for two years working sixty to seventy hours a week and still commuting back to Blackheath , except on press night , which would go on all night , once a fortnight .
13 They are not often seen on the open sea except on passage .
14 Except on passage large flocks occur only in Chichester Harbour ; even in Pagham Harbour counts of more than 50 birds are very unusual , although it is nearly always present there .
15 At home he called for " a new beginning " , involving tax cuts and a lowering of Federal spending , except on defence ; less Federal interference in people 's lives , less expenditure on the social services .
16 Despite the growing magnitude of the budget deficit , the Bush administration ( which had hitherto opposed tax cuts except on capital gains tax ) declared on Oct. 23 that stimulative middle-income tax-cuts were " under consideration " .
17 The Local Government Board , which had historically borne most of the responsibility for the treatment of poverty , had played very little part in the new measures of the Liberal government , except on occasion to disrupt them .
18 Except on North America voyages , and despite falling unemployment and rising real wages in the country as a whole , seamen 's wages rose little for some years .
19 Not even the most dedicated Outsider hack works after midnight , except on deadline days .
20 Overall the samples showed a slight deterioration between first and second assessments ( except on identification of coins ) .
21 It is a devious route around the coastal fringes , no direct way across the intervening wilderness of mountains being possible except on foot by strong walkers .
22 Poor men in towns travelled for necessity but rarely for pleasure , except on foot — the autobiographies of self-improving Victorian artisans are full of titanic country walks — and for short periods .
23 With no traffic connections it 's hard to reach any spot in the town except on foot , which is very dangerous .
24 In cases of this kind ( which rarely come before the Court of Appeal except on appeal against sentence ) , the last act of the provoker , even though minor in itself , may be placed in the context of the previous provocation , and may itself be treated as sufficient to show that the loss of self-control was ‘ sudden and temporary ’ .
25 When writing to a building society , never omit the mortgage reference number , or there may be some delay in receiving a reply , and if you act for your client 's bank , building society , etc , you will of course normally ask them to send the deeds direct to you ; in such a case include in your letter , if there is an existing mortgage to be discharged on completion ( as there will be in the case of a building society and may be in the case of a bank ) , an undertaking to hold the deeds on behalf of the bank or society , to return them on demand , not to part with the same except on completion of the sale , and to discharge the society 's mortgage .
26 As you 've conceded , Florian 's marriage is no longer a fact except on paper , and Nicky is n't his wife . ’
27 She was suddenly in alien territory again , being accused of being somebody she could never be , except on stage with a script in her hand .
28 For instance , they would n't give you loans except on condition you left the independent union .
29 Thus the image of a Billy Butlin , Fred Pontin or Harry Warner ( or Joe Maplin even ! ) coaxing their ‘ campers ’ into early morning collective exercises is long gone and unlikely to return , except on television .
30 Wind pollination in Peninsular Malaysia is rare and the introduced wind-pollinated Pinus caribaea does not set seed there , except on mountain ridges or on the coast .
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