Example sentences of "[subord] of a " in BNC.

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1 The Song of Roland does not have much local colour in it , except of a perfunctory ‘ high are the mountains and dark the valleys ’ kind , so there is no particular call to read the poem before visiting the scene , in hopes of recognizing the poet 's descriptions .
2 However , that day , we were also on our way to battle , although of a less deadly kind and with less deadly consequences .
3 Clearly , although of a good colour and nose , I lack balance and finish and am short of follow-through .
4 although of a strictly
5 There was no intention of converting Purley Depôt to a bus garage , as although of a more regular shape , its only entrance was on a busy part of the main Brighton Road and over the years there had been a number of near misses with other traffic , when trams were entering or leaving and the local press had conducted a campaign against its dangerous location .
6 Different issues , although of a similar order , surround the demand for laboratory subjects captured from the wild .
7 Similar considerations , although of a different kind , apply to railway employees .
8 Although of a somewhat specialized nature , with certain modifications .
9 Anderson 's performance errors here are again reflective of a conflict within him , although of a rather different kind .
10 Yet one suspects that his real significance is less that of a prophet of European disintegration than of a poet of the American Puritan temperament .
11 In Germany interest groups like to present their views as the product of exhaustive research rather than of a distinctive philosophy .
12 By the end of the eighteenth century , the Sussex yeoman had become less of a symbol of traditional English independence than of a recalcitrant inbred backwardness , perverse in his outlook .
13 Lewis Verne-Smith sat shaking his head , less as a gesture of denial than of a generalized despair at the state of the world .
14 The volumes , bound in green leather and tooled in gold , were identical in size and fitted the bookshelves so precisely that the effect was more of an artist 's trompe-l'oeil than of a working library .
15 The BBC 's pre-war conception of the audience had been more like that of someone reading a book — a deliberate and solitary or individual habit , though it may be done in company — than of a collective social entity .
16 Again the victim of affliction protests his own innocence , but in this case at the expense of a mischievous spirit rather than of a person .
17 The problem is more of income distribution than of a failing in the technical working of the credit market itself .
18 Note that even without the exact position of the original markers being known , the line from Bishops Cannings church through the WKLB and the centres varies by less than of a degree .
19 If we compare the two slopes then the line from circle centre to circle centre has a slope of 27.789 degrees whilst that from the Ogbourne centre to Bishops Cannings church is 27.74 degrees , less than of a degree of arc .
20 In Derrida 's writing the science of semiology is replaced by grammatology which , as he says , takes the form of a question rather than of a new science .
21 Peter Schmidt of the Stiftung Wissenschaft Politik at Ebenhausen , a leading expert on European defence and security issues , has identified the formulation of a Common Foreign and Security policy as the product of a ‘ top-down approach ’ which ‘ regards the political union of Western Europe within the framework of the EC as an end in itself ’ , rather than of a ‘ functional or horizontal approach ’ which ‘ asks in a practical way which defence functions can and should be handled in a Western European framework , which ones can remain attached to existing defence arrangements — above all that means Nato — and which ones can stay at the disposal of nation states ’ .
22 Yet when people think of lighting they mostly think of lights or lamps — the actual fittings — rather than of a flexible medium , just like heat , which can be manipulated by the flick of a switch or a turn of a dimmer .
23 Its body was covered with a rough hair plagued with small ticks , and the skin was hardened with the scales of a fish , but its human parts were more like those of a sickly angel than of a man , for its hands were tense and agile , its eyes large and gloomy , and on its shoulder-blades it had the scarred-over and calloused stumps of powerful wings which must have been chopped off by a woodman 's axe .
24 He was representative of the German bench of bishops as a whole , who were more prepared to be the servants of the emperor than of a distant pope .
25 It may also express other varieties of emphasis — for instance , contrast — but this is in no way required of it any more nor less than of a prenominal adjective .
26 Dame Sirith 159 ) than of a courtly suitor .
27 One party would be returned to office with an overall majority and implement its manifesto program , a program neither known nor supported by most electors and one drawn up on the basis more of party dogma than of a dispassionate and well-informed analysis of Britain 's problems .
28 But the role and powers proposed are less those of an ombudsman than of a commissar .
29 The rise in the share of transfers ( pensions , dole , etc. ) also probably took the form ( as it did over the period as a whole ; see chapter 9 ) of an extension of coverage of schemes rather than of a growth in real value in excess of productivity .
30 That is why we think it better the change in the community should be of an evolutionary rather than of a revolutionary kind .
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