Example sentences of "[subord] the man " in BNC.

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1 Her mind was too busy seeing the man who had wearily let her go , not wilfully , as she had always imagined , but finally , for what he thought was her own good .
2 Her trick was to establish during the early part of the evening roughly where the man lived ; then to announce a destination for herself to which he could not suggest accompanying her without seeming over keen .
3 He takes shelter at a Pennine farm where the man 's daily conversational output is ‘ Two more dead i ’ beck ’ and the woman listens to Holly 's soliloquy like a raggedy Miranda , astonished as the sound of a human voice .
4 Rape is only committed where the man has sexual intercourse with the woman without her consent .
5 It is not , then , a question of deciding on the elements of a ‘ defence ’ of mistake , because , where the man is mistaken , this means that he quite simply lacks the fault element required for the offence .
6 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
7 Prosecution is thus reserved for the cases in which some unfair advantage has been taken of the girl , particularly where the girl is under 13 ( when lack of proper understanding is assumed ) , where the man is considerably older than the girl , where the man held some position of trust in relation to the girl , and where there is some element of deception involved .
8 The Conservatives have worked to an archaic family structure where the man is seen as the dominant wage earner , despite their uneasy recognition that market forces , with demographic change , are soon going to require skilled female labour .
9 There are also plenty of tasks , although these are now perhaps more common in leisure than in paid work , where the man supplies the muscle power , for example the manual labourer and the active sportsman .
10 The desired family form was a household consisting of a married couple and their children , where the man is the breadwinner and the woman a domestic worker .
11 Where the man was , gone or waiting for him behind the next tree , he had no idea .
12 Pa bought it at Faversham market where the man gave it away for ten pounds .
13 My white of the month is the 1989 Dry Muscat from Portugal 's Joao Pires winery , where the man in charge happens to be an Australian .
14 ‘ We must tread carefully , because my postbag suggests that allegations of rape can arise from previously non-sexual relationships , where the man goes too far and persuades himself in the passion of a moment that ‘ No ’ means ‘ Yes ’ .
15 This possibility needs consideration where the man was well known to the woman and where it is clear that she was not intimidated . ’
16 But we learned that after we had lost sight of the taxi , it had gone to Waterloo station , where the man had caught his train .
17 There were some blankets on a flat stone where the man slept .
18 More of a wallet than a purse , it still lay where the man had dropped it .
19 Oddly enough the worst was his shoulder , where the man had seized it to pull him out of the car .
20 ‘ Surely if it was thrown overboard there was no guarantee that it would finish up on shore where the Man could send someone to fetch it .
21 Health officials at the Countess of Chester Hospital , where the man works , have set up an emergency clinic to carry out skin tests on the youngsters and 500 staff who are known to have come into contact with the man .
22 The upstairs flat where the man died
23 In the two bars , and on the bridge and football field where the men gathered in the evening , there were the coarse shouts of ‘ Sink log !
24 This is clearly a better place to sell razor blades than Azerbaijan , where the men say they shave only once a week , or , if they want to look their best , every other day .
25 There were coastal villages in Celebes and Borneo where the men would scowl and stride away , the women would slam their doors and window shutters in our faces , and the children would follow us down the street in howling , baiting hordes , challenging us to lose our poise .
26 He could sense that she was alive somewhere close , where the Men had taken her , and that she was very near her end ; nearer than she had been before .
27 He remembered Woil staying by the bench and the litter bin where the Men could reach him .
28 A villainous raid upon the Stockade where the men do lie and even upon ourselves where we dwell at Belmont would have robbed us of all we have assured thus far by the Grace of God .
29 This team might just succeed where the men failed .
30 They 'll attend a ceremonial burial near where the men died .
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