Example sentences of "[subord] only [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some guides are indeed very brief , suggesting visits at breakneck speed where only a few items or rooms will be seen .
2 But the stage has probably been reached where only a politically unacceptable increase in those rates would stabilise the currency .
3 Mixed arable and dairy farms and vegetable farms are the easiest to convert to organic : the huge arable farms of East Anglia are more difficult because of intense production systems , as are chicken and pig farms where only a minimum of land is owned and would not be large enough to accommodate free range farming .
4 Have only low-level foliage in the front of the house , where only a garden gnome could hide .
5 A place is private and this offence can not be committed where only a minority group of the public are admitted .
6 The geography of fifteenth-century palaces had been relatively simple : there was a Great Hall , where ceremonious and public appearances were made , and the Chamber where the King withdrew and where only a few could follow him .
7 Polar desert is the area of bare rocks and soils beyond the tundra , where only a thin , patchy covering of plant life is found .
8 Thirdly , there is a group of institutions where only a minority of students are on advanced courses .
9 Every year thousands of people , including many young children , with leukaemia and other bone marrow diseases reach a stage where only a bone marrow transplant can save them .
10 Where only a proportion of the damage has occurred since we have been on cover , we should pay the cost of the underpinning , subject to the adequacy of the sum insured and the policy excess .
11 This may particularly apply where only a small number of items are involved , e.g. jewellery/carpets .
12 These are all roads where the pedagogical tradition has pointed signposts in the wrong direction , making us search for English ( the nature of English conversation , at least ) where it is not — and where only a careful analysis of natural conversational data can get us on the right road again .
13 " After seven hours we arrived in Ekondo Jundu , a village in a forest clearing , where only a few outsiders had been seen before .
14 It appeared from the poor showing of the pro-CPSU communists in the elections that a surprisingly large number of Russians had voted for Sajudis-backed candidates , or had boycotted the voting in overwhelmingly Russian-populated constituencies where only a pro-CPSU communist was standing .
15 ‘ A company where only a few outside interests own the shares .
16 Across the Atlantic , where only a tiny minority took a serious interest in global politics , there was little obvious response .
17 where only a cook
18 Multiple bands were also clearly seen in orangutan ( Pongo pygmaeus ) and the old world monkey Ceropithecus aethiops , but not in more distantly related species , such as pig or cow , where only a single hybridising band is seen .
19 This makes it very different from education , where only the supervisory responsibility is central , while direct responsibility rests with between one and two hundred executive bodies , deriving their authority from a local electorate .
20 for loss of or damage to property belonging to or held in trust by or in the custody or control of the Insured Person ( other that self catering accommodation where only the first £50 of any loss or damage is excluded ) ;
21 But unless we could ensure that the voice of the people — fresh , urgent and heartfelt — somehow entered the hallowed inquiry chamber , with its unwritten rules and legalistic jargon , we would get stuck in a morass of procedure and paperwork where only the strong , and barristers , could possibly survive .
22 ‘ O brave new world , ’ said Robyn , ‘ where only the managing directors have jobs . ’
23 In houses where only the ground floor is centrally heated , the patient may not feel comfortable in the upstairs area , so if this is where he is to be , for other practical reasons , he will need heaters in his room , or the central heating system should be extended .
24 Unlike the First Concerto , which in terms of its piano writing is completely honest , and where only the first movement 's double trills need to be re-arranged to become audible , the Second Concerto requires some adjustments in order to serve Brahms 's purpose , and not merely to make life easier for the pianist !
25 I prefer patterns that do n't produce large areas where only the cotton thread has knitted , so I tend to choose patterns that only have one or two punched holes ( or marked squares on electronic patterns ) counting horizontally .
26 If they have money , they can go into private homes or villages where only the elderly can live .
27 It was strange to see the Prince occupying the same segment of sofa where only the year before I had talked to his uncle .
28 ‘ Another person ’ means other than the driver , therefore where only the driver is injured this section is not applicable .
29 Therefore where only the driver 's motor vehicle is damaged the section does not apply .
30 The implication for teaching is that texts or situations should not be devised where only the next level of ‘ difficulty ’ is provided , since these are not necessary .
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