Example sentences of "[subord] you [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 al al although you you 're trying to make the same but you do try and change tack a bit
2 It was somehow thought of as being irreverent but to members of your own family and people your own age or somebody younger than you you would use thee and thou .
3 Younger than you I was then , but no chicken .
4 oh but they really get up my nose ! just wan na do is phone me up , you know I I sa oh had a row with , do n't say anything like about quarter to four time and I said to her , well I 'll be quite honest I said er there 's sixty pound a week or seventy pound a week I get more than you I said I have never heard a load of moaning pratts in all my life !
5 so I said , she 's the same age as me , she said god , she looked much older than you I said yeah I know , I says it cheers you up doing surgery do n't it seeing all these people that look terrible for their age , so she says well I though she looked older than me , I says yes she does look older , I do n't have , I do n't know how old Sue is , I think she 's forty , I think she 's forty , but this woman she 's got long hair
6 She 's older than you I take it then ?
7 Yeah she 's a bit bigger than you I would think , twelve to fourteen would be alright I would think would n't you ?
8 If you have an old fashioned XT then the only type of memory that you can fit to go beyond 604KBytes is expanded memory — so you it should work with almost any spreadsheet .
9 And that 's for an engineering department 's head of engineering , so you I I doubt whether a careers officers
10 Okay so you you you 've got it now , that one swallow eats one fly erm sorry eats ten flies
11 The only technical difficulty is that it 's difficult in a family where there 's two children perhaps one 's well off and can pay , and the other ca n't , so you you 've got technical problems there .
12 Ma M M We we had a candidate 's committee last night , I 'm just doing this so you you keep you on your toes until we get to the result , you know .
13 it goes to sine squared , so you you only differentiate one and according
14 Right up until I was n't able to do any more and able to , like all engineers you get most of the men when you get to the stage where you 're not able to crawl under cars and do things like that so you you find another bu business , we went into sales and , and er accessories , stores and that I 've been in all that line in the last twenty years before I retired .
15 Well that 's that 's that 's rather strange is n't it , so you you ,
16 Which means the guarantor no longer has to pay you the rent so you you do n't really want to forego that either , yeah .
17 Um and also it may be possible to y'know you may want to start out by showing people some stuff and trying to get them to talk about it so you you understand the sort of language concepts , repertoires , or whatever you want to call them , that people are actually using to try try and work out some more formal questions from that and move on to a questionnaire type thing y'know I mean that 's a possibility .
18 a level of e abstraction if you like your gradient you 've got so you you 're very happy with this yeah ?
19 Oh right , so you you offered to phone up .
20 Okay so you you 've looked at the the problems of metals .
21 mhm So , all right , so you you first of all find out what baggage people are carrying around with them ?
22 Do with some more strength , so you he do n't like at all does he ?
23 We 'll have a look at decimals because you need to need to know what you 're doing with decimals but decimals are fractions and until you I mean I think you 're very happy with fractions now you 're probably ready to go on to decimals .
24 and like in the extreme theory , in extreme examples , like you you say right it 's auto speak
25 Which er can I possibly carry on from there and if you we have to talk about .
26 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
27 Ca can I just say one thing , though , if you me nip out , it 's not that I do n't want to listen to this , er , it 's in connection with the property er worries that er , Geoffrey said , I 've got to sign a lot of er , arm twisting letters , which I , they want me to sign today , so if I can take five minutes out to sign those , I hope you will not feel I 'm trying to er skive off , as it were .
28 that much expanded memory if you they can only use five hundred K ?
29 What you got ta do is , each card , if you they ar the person in front of you asks the co the question and if you get it right you get that card and each card has got a letter on it and you got ta try and make up sex maniac .
30 If you you do n't agree and are fired , you may take the new owner to an industrial tribunal .
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