Example sentences of "[subord] not of " in BNC.

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1 She saw her role as purely an incubatory one , and will now return to her own work as a biologist — although not of course on this project — having made her most valuable contribution to my work .
2 The different viewpoints , although not of course equally informative , are equal in the sense that whether ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to take one of them into account depends on its relevance to choices , not on its nearness to ‘ here ’ , ‘ now , or ‘ I ’ .
3 This last sign , although not of diagnostic significance here , is nevertheless of some interest and we shall return to it , together with some other features of Hoccleve 's mental state , in Chapter 10 .
4 If they were to try to maintain the parity of sterling against gold ( which was in accordance with their own instincts as well as with the views of most of their advisors , although not of Keynes ) they needed substantial foreign credits and they were unlikely to get these without welfare economies which would disrupt the Cabinet and its parliamentary support .
5 Although not of itself usually intended to be legally binding , we find that the heads of agreement act as a useful instruction to the lawyers , since the terms convey the intentions of the principals and deal with many of the theoretical and technical points that each side 's lawyer feel duty bound to raise .
6 On Jan. 10 , 1989 , Bossano met the mayor of the Spanish border town of La Línea to discuss the joint development of the area which could include Spanish use of the port at Gibraltar ( although not of the airport ) .
7 This is the reason for the ungrammaticality of : ( 40 ) the only book missing readable is Twyford 's Lives of the Slovak Saints By contrast , the examples of ( 41 ) are fully acceptable : ( 41 ) the only readable book missing is the one I told you about the only missing book readable is the one already mentioned The same contrast is seen in ( 42 ) beside the two cases of ( 43 ) which are both grammatically acceptable ( although not of course quite identical in meaning ) : ( 42 ) *one journalist striking accessible is Jana Flynn ( 43 ) one striking journalist accessible is Jana Flynn one accessible journalist striking is Jana Flynn The restriction is general , applying even if the particular adjectives concerned are ones which can normally appear postnominally .
8 But the use of overwhelming numbers , if not of overwhelming force , was clearly a good way to start .
9 Eden , who in pre-war days had fought a losing battle in British politics against the appeasement of the dictators , saw Nasser as the reincarnation of Mussolini , if not of Hitler ; and in consequence , tried to use a sledge-hammer to crack a nut .
10 They bring back down the laws of nature , if not of God himself .
11 ‘ A world-wide conspiracy embracing a third of the world 's population ’ he pronounced the enemy to be , and added that it threatened ‘ the erasure of freedom , perhaps for ever , from the parchment of time ’ … a windy piece of rhetoric typical of the times if not of J. Edgar , whose taste ran to Tarzan movies where the dialogue is less verbose .
12 In 1867 he accepted a timely invitation to return to his former employer , and in the reassuring familiarity of his parents ' home in Bockhampton he was able to assess his career , temporarily rededicating himself to architecture while continuing to hope for success as a writer , if not of poetry , of popular novels .
13 His contribution to the Created God has been tremendous , probably greater than that of any other person in the whole of Christendom , if not of the world .
14 They had all slept heavily , the sleep if not of the just , of the innocent and artless .
15 Thus , the policy context , within which the redundancies took place and which older workers experienced in the labour market , often for the first time in twenty or more years , was one of unconcern if not of antagonism to their special needs .
16 He notes that in Europe employers generally have formed associations and have been willing to accept trade unions , whereas in US industries , especially in manufacturing , employers have pursued more independent policies and their attitude towards unions remains at best , as Thompson and Moore ( 1975 ) have shown , one of grudging tolerance , if not of open hostility .
17 This provides salutary knowledge of results of the interview itself if not of its degree of success in terms of a real objective .
18 Yet after the end of the Franco-Prussian War ( 1871 ) , none of the great powers fought one another for more than forty years , although these years were full , if not of wars , at least of rumours of wars .
19 There were , however , many rural societies and branches of larger societies , whose members were agricultural labourers , who often had the advantage of regular if not of high wages ; and the high fall-out rate of membership of most societies testifies to the numbers who aspired to the security provided by membership but could not maintain regular payments .
20 MacDonald 's assumption throughout the Government and almost up to the last moment was that Baldwin and he would retire together , and that Neville Chamberlain , with the freshness , if not of youth , at least of never having been Prime Minister before , would succeed directly .
21 The first is a survival if not of feudalism ( although in Northumberland it is exactly that ) then of early modern social relations .
22 The cinema industry has always thrived , or survived , on colossal waste — the worst-kept secret of the American film industry , if not of the American economy in general , and probably the real reason for the continued and apparently unshakable worldwide dominance of Hollywood .
23 He submitted that the court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter because the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 empower a justice of the peace to remand a person in custody only if the justice is of the opinion that , inter alia , he has broken a condition of his bail ; otherwise , if not of that opinion , the court must grant bail on the same conditions as were originally imposed .
24 ( 5 ) A justice of the peace before whom a person is brought under subsection ( 4 ) above may … if of the opinion that that person — ( a ) is not likely to surrender to custody , or ( b ) has broken or is likely to break any condition of his bail , remand him in custody or commit him to custody , as the case may require , or alternatively , grant him bail subject to the same or to different conditions , but if not of that opinion shall grant him bail subject to the same conditions ( if any ) as were originally imposed .
25 I have no doubt that these three great creations represent the work if not of one artist at least of one school ; possibly Argos or Sicyon , both prominent at this time .
26 Both Aethelburh and Eorcenwald , if not of Kentish royal extraction , had Kentish connections , for Eorcenwald was founding-abbot with the support of Ecgberht , king of Kent , of the monastery of Chertsey in the Kentish-controlled territory of Surrey ( HE IV , 6 ) ( CS 34 : S 1165 ) .
27 Constitutionally disinclined to surrender preferment , being , as he once observed , ‘ of a modest if not of a retiring disposition ’ , he remained librarian until 1952 .
28 It has been suggested above that , in view of the clear statement in the and the unsatisfactory nature of Mustakimzade 's argument , Turkish tradition has been guilty at least of inconsistency , if not of error , in doing so .
29 But until this has actually proved to be possible — and Jakobson would have denied that it is — it seems reasonable to accept that both kinds of equivalence constitute a distinguishing feature , if not of all poetic language , at least of a great deal of it .
30 They form the basis if not of the Federalists ' philosophy , then at least of much of the present movement towards a Federalist structure for Europe .
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