Example sentences of "[v-ing] [been] use " in BNC.

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1 They may , however , not be exactly what the author would have preferred , as a colour plate which is readily available ( perhaps having been used in another publication ) is much cheaper to use than a new plate which has to be commissioned .
2 The drawing and new evidence about cars suspected of having been used by the bombers , has prompted police to call 1,500 Deal residents for further interviews later this week with 50 officers at a church hall .
3 Having drawn a blank with the local councils , and having been used instead of helped by nearby ‘ conservationists ’ , Jane now wrote dozens of letters to banks , charities , environmental societies , corporations , official bodies , in search of sponsorship , or even a loan .
4 Few of the exhibits , which are expected to fetch around £100,000 in total , come with a guarantee of having been used in any particular film or show .
5 His main argument was that Gothic , having been used for nineteenth-century churches , should now be considered as the basis of all building types , particularly domestic , although commercial and public buildings were considered .
6 This has fallen into disuse , having been used as a military hospital and to sleep troops in transit in the First World War , a Sunday school , a library , and up until five years ago a store for the church gardening equipment .
7 In 1967 the formal grade of Geologist was dropped in favour of Scientific Officer , the former title having been used since 1840 .
8 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
9 Recent vault clearances of over 2,000 coffins of the period 1729–1865 from St Marylebone Parish Church and Christchurch , Spitalfields , 18 exhibit a change in attitude ; for here , whilst it was not unusual to find wedding rings and dentures in situ , there were two instances — both men — of day-clothes having been used in place of the shroud : one in military uniform , the other an octogenarian macaroni with his walking stick , sporting an outfit more suited to a man sixty years his junior , as did the coiffure of his wig .
10 When the medieval roof of St Botolph 's , Hadstock , Essex , was being recorded in 1974 a number of eighteenth-century coffin boards were found , having been used for running repairs .
11 Cannabis was the most popular secondary drug , having been used by 38 per cent of known opioid users , followed by psychedelics ( 15 per cent ) and stimulants ( 14 per cent ) .
12 Wood cutting has been a trade in and around Halling for centuries , in early days wood having been used for fuel .
13 Some numismatists have confirmed the picture of terminal decay : the Carolingians minted few coins , of which still fewer are said to show signs of having been used .
14 Passing sentence , Lord Justice MacDermott described the case as unusual , saying there was no record of any of the weapons having been used in terrorism , and they were not ready to use immediately .
15 The loss of McCoist opens up the possibility of Jess playing his first full international from the start , having been used as a substitute against Italy .
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