Example sentences of "[v-ing] [been] do " in BNC.

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1 For many of his supporters he could do no wrong and any semblance of wrong having been done was explained as part of the ecumenical conspiracy to defeat true Protestantism .
2 This having been done the whole program is in x — IF/ALT , as required , after perhaps some renaming of bound variables .
3 This having been done the " what if " situations can be analysed and examined .
4 Trade having been done , they settled to take the meal , to eat , to indicate their good intentions .
5 He would insist on checking our observations before we sent them to Group on the teleprinter , and this we regarded as a deadly insult , most of us having been doing them unchecked for over three years .
6 Part of , part of the furniture , yes what do you want , there 's no problem with parcels , and so again it becomes far less difficult to discuss erm , a business conversation , and sometimes it 's a conversation about football , and they 're all a load of complete , because that 's part of , er , that 's one of the joys of er , er , having been doing something for long enough to have got known within the , within the patch .
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