Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
2 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
3 It makes it easier , in principle , to ‘ see ’ how many hypotheses are competing for some portion of an utterance , for example , and to decide which are the most promising given the evidence .
4 Division Two of this event is probably best left to Tom Jones 's Sadler 's Wells newcomer Alyakkh , about whom local work-watchers have been cooing for some time .
5 And that included the experience of caddying for some of the greats when they came to St Andrews , such as Henry Cotton and Flory Van Donck .
6 I set off again , maintaining for some reason — perhaps because I expected further farm creatures to wander across my path — my slow speed of before .
7 ‘ He found , after allowing for some 37 factors not related to lead , ’ says Price , ‘ that those children having high lead levels in their teeth did significantly less well in tests than did those with low levels . ’
8 Based on an earlier estimate of £70,000 for computerised support of approximately 20,000 files in another department ( without networking costs ) , a similar system for the Highways and Planning departments , allowing for some economy of scale , could have cost in excess of £150,000 at the prices that were then current .
9 Even allowing for some massaging of programmes into ‘ serious ’ categories , ITV 's progressive seriousness saw a halving of its ‘ entertainment ’ schedules .
10 In addition to the Pahlavi rugs , Persia produces workshop items in styles that have evolved from those made during the Qajar dynasty ( which ended in the 19th century ) , and there are also numerous village and nomadic groups who , allowing for some minor modifications to the market , still make rugs that have hardly changed for generations .
11 Unless there are an appreciable number of genuine deaths from asthma in people aged over 65 this supports my belief that the annual number of deaths due to asthma nationally is nearer 500 than 2000 ( even allowing for some genuine deaths from asthma not certified as such and given that some areas such as West Cumbria and perhaps Hertfordshire seem to have a lower mortality than Norwich ) .
12 Can the Minister tell us whether Britain 's shipyards will be assured of a very early decision on a type 42 replacement , thus allowing for some continuity of work and ending the grave uncertainty in the shipyards so that men and management can get on with what they do best — building ships in British yards ?
13 As a Manager I try to keep an eye on staff working too long ( allowing for some ‘ gift time ’ to CA which we all give ! )
14 The size of the experimental groups was calculated to yield a power of 90% to detect a change of biological importance ( 40% ) , allowing for some experimental failures and given the SD of data calculated from preliminary studies .
15 It is not surprising to find the Russian government in 1784 asking officially for information on the organisation of the ministry ; and the memorandum drawn up in response to this request by one of the premiers commis paints , even allowing for some gilding of the lily , an impressive picture of the efficiency with which , at least in theory , correspondence was classified , answered and indexed .
16 It is thus possible that , just as we are suggesting for some of the other finds at Mycenae , it was taken from Knossos : if so , the implication is that other pieces of statuary and relief carving from Minoan Knossos were also removed — by some Mycenean equivalent of Lord Elgin , perhaps .
17 Since the department since the regional office has been suggesting for some time , or throughout the entire process of this structure plan alteration , that erm an exceptions policy should be considered by the erm county council , I think it would be consistent that we would anticipate the panel could reach a conclusion on the inclusion of the major exceptions policy as part of this alteration .
18 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
19 If a patent were to be granted to the second business , it could prevent the first from using what it has already been using for some time .
20 But unions are for representing people properly , responsibly , not for using as some vehicle for your own political obsessions .
21 In the United Kingdom in 1988 , there were 1298 publicly maintained nursery schools catering for some 98,000 children , 82% of them on a part-time basis .
22 The CCG team started work on the Channel Tunnel site in September 1987 and have built up until they are now catering for some 6,000 workers at two locations — Upper and Lower Shakespeare Cliff .
23 Nurses who have been nursing for some time are likely to have reached the stage where much of what they do has become automatic , that is , carried out without conscious thought or awareness .
24 Indications of Mr Mandela 's growing political stature in the eyes of the government have been accumulating for some time .
25 As a director of public health , and having been chief officer to a health authority for some 17 years and having experienced more reorganisations than I care to remember , I can see the career turbulence that the current reforms are producing for some senior doctors in public health medicine .
26 The London General Omnibus Company had been experimenting for some years and , in 1910 introduced to the streets of London , their ‘ B ’ type , petrol engined , double-decker , opened top buses .
27 The strobing of the light froze monsters in mid-motion , gathering for some assault .
28 He had done a reasonable amount of pilot work , firing for some of the older shunt link drivers and had also fired on the local ‘ pick-up ’ , but this at last was the real thing .
29 I have been teaching machine knitting for some time and often come across pupils who have experienced the same problem .
30 She was in pain , but she was taking it out on a complicated Fair Isle jumper that she was knitting for some nephew in Canada .
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