Example sentences of "[v-ing] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The state is a passive vehicle for transforming elite inputs into legally sanctified outputs .
2 There was even a recipe for lemon curd using vegetable marrow but no eggs or lemons .
3 I 've tried to view and recover these files using PC Tools , XTree Gold , Actaeon and other programs , and although I can view some of the text files ( the rest are encrypted ) , I just ca n't get them out into a working environment and recover them .
4 By organizing computer training for liberal arts students generally , significant economies of scale can be achieved .
5 Thinking and fantasizing seem to have constituted the majority of Foulkes 's and Vogel 's subjects ' reports , but while it is possible to make fine distinctions between levels of sleep depth using EEG/ EOG measures , these did not seem to be very predictive of the quality of experience reported .
6 Turns out IBM Corp is using Raytheon Co 's UK software development and services division , Data Logic Ltd , as the prime development partner on its AIX CICS/6000 and Encina on AIX/6000 products which were announced at Unix Expo last week ( UX No 404 ) , and are due next June and this December respectively .
7 Holmes is equivocal on the question of whether women are coerced by social expectations and the behaviour of men into using support structures , or whether these represent positive choices .
8 using support agencies
9 But reduced East-West tension has made this even more difficult , clobbering defence sales , which account for roughly half of Deutsche Aerospace 's revenues .
10 Later I ask if the years of drug abuse — he made the lost classic ‘ On The Beach ’ using honey slides ( lumps of hashish melted in honey ) , he almost did n't appear in The Band 's Last Waltz movie because there was a massive , subsequently disguised , lump of cocaine hanging from his left nostril — are still wearing heavy on him .
11 There is no need for the history department to teach the skill before using census materials if the mathematics department has already done so but even more importantly if the historians need to know how to do this at an earlier stage than the mathematics department would teach this skill in their programme of study then the historians must negotiate this with their colleagues in the best interests of the children .
12 Using census data , scores were derived for areas of the country either on the basis of ward or enumerator district ( with average populations of 5327 and 450 respectively ) and extra money is provided to practices with a higher proportion of factors perceived by a representative sample of doctors to equate to high patient demand .
13 Finally , we may detect a marked tendency to integrate subjects hitherto taught separately , a trend reflecting curriculum practice in Britain but also stemming from a desire to stress the relatedness of learning within a child 's own environment .
14 It has the most potent effect of the naturally occurring prostaglandins in inhibiting platelet aggregation , being 30–40 times more potent than prostaglandin E 1 and 10 times more potent than prostaglandin D 2 in vitro ( Gryglewski et al , 1976 ; Moncada et al , 1976a ) .
15 Resting strip tension was adjusted to 1 g and changes were monitored by an isometric force transducer ( Letica , Barcelona , Spain ) and recorded by a polygraph connected on line .
16 Most details came from Derby , as they were building Hurricane wings .
17 Of course we were fascinated by revolting food , and liked inventing horror meals .
18 Such a system it is argued ensures broad comparability of standards both between courses in the public sector and also with those in the universities ; it provides a guarantee to students , employers , funding bodies and the public at large that courses meet acceptable standards and that those standards are maintained ; it enables institutions submitting course proposals to draw upon a pool of national experience accumulated by the validating committees ; it stimulates academic debate between staff from different institutions about curriculum development ; and it provides a means of identifying and disseminating information about good practice and about innovations in teaching and learning in higher education .
19 However , the high costs of bringing building materials , fuels and plant to the Arctic , and the difficulties and expense of exporting ores and other minerals to where they can be used , discourage development of all but the most urgently needed mineral resources ; at present oil is the major export from Arctic North America .
20 While network users currently can communicate online with colleagues using text inputs to their computers , videoconferencing facilities will enable users to see each other in a video window in their screens .
21 Though the facilities exist for the storage of reports in digital form for access using text retrieval software , the numerous departments throughout the authority have never succeeded in handing in their committee reports in a satisfactory form .
22 I 'm cooking vegetable curry for them .
23 UI ( via Unix System Labs ) is using Chorus Systemes SA 's already established Chorus/Mix SVR4 micro-kernel as the basis of this work , although that 's no guarantee that future SVR4 releases will incorporate a micro-kernel .
24 Archipel SA of Paris claims that it has the first Inmos International Ltd Transputer-based distributed Unix system , built using Chorus Systemes SA 's Unix System V-compatible microkernel technology on Archipel 's Volvox-TS line of multiple instruction-multiple data parallel processors .
25 The country 's six largest construction companies , which together spend between $14 million and $16 million a year on earthquake research , met the extra costs of including base isolation in the structures .
26 You could imagine you were prospecting some dark land and seeing camp fires , or signal fires , or fires that were the only known evidence of a hidden tribe .
27 If your brickworking skills are n't up to it , you can also cheat by using brick slips , stuck directly to the plaster with special adhesive .
28 Using Appendix B it can be shown that the contractions and give equivalent results : the Ricci tensor is thus the unique contraction of the Riemann tensor .
29 The television companies — using negotiating officers employed by them full-time — had made every effort to settle the strike short of accepting the ACTT 's conditions .
30 Here one may be using negotiating skills within a relationship , with a home help organiser for example , and using counselling skill in deciding how far to push the claims of one particular client .
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