Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pers pn] even " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Even on the most ordinary of programmes the amount of work you do on sets as they come into the studio — preparing them , repairing them even , making them shootable — is quite involved .
2 In any event , it seems clear that the follow-on loan is generally bad for consumers , as it restricts their potential credit choice by binding them even more firmly into one type of weekly-collection credit .
3 His voice seemed to fill the few inches ' space between them , bringing them even closer .
4 The hon. Gentleman has said that it is in the process of acquiring two incredibly beautiful works and the point is that it is acquiring them even though they cost much more than the nominal amount of Government grant available .
5 I did n't want them noticing me even a little .
6 He straightened to kiss her with lazy possessiveness on her mouth , his tongue devouring her even as he was impatiently unbuckling the waist of his trousers , dispensing with the remainder of his clothes with rough masculine haste .
7 Alyssia glanced up at him , disliking him even more than she would have imagined possible .
8 Jenna jumped up , almost spilling her coffee , making a hasty grab for the delicate cup and amusing him even more .
9 Sanctified by your presence , immortal in your beauty , your fire , loving you even more , when I loved you totally before .
10 The danger is that you may become so overworked that these stopgaps become a permanent feature of your farm , causing you even more work and worry .
11 Kate found it hard to avoid hearing about him ; he seemed daily to be permeating her senses almost as if he were personally hounding her even though she accepted that had to be crazy thinking on her part .
12 Ever increasing reproductive technologies are re-ordering social aspects of reproduction , specifically women 's fertility , sexuality and pregnancies , by taking them to an industrial level , making them more and more scientific/medical procedures in need of ’ expert ’ interference , and so moving them even further out of women 's control .
13 He was slow to release her , holding her even when his mouth had disclaimed hers , turning his golden head slowly to greet the newcomer , one arm still possessively around her waist .
14 Then his hands were running over her back , their caress sensuous , moulding her even closer , so that she was deeply aware of muscular hardness , firm flesh and sinew .
15 American Jack Woodruff favoured Whitaker 115–113 , but with two judges calling it even , the fight finished a draw .
16 American Jack Woodruff favoured Whitaker 115–113 , but with two judges calling it even , the fight finished a draw .
17 I wonder if she is getting it even , she says she 's gon na
18 A large proportion of those are in the middle to upper income brackets , and their relatively high average age means that the majority do not have dependent children , thus giving them even more disposable income .
19 The only difference was that they now spent some of their free time together , thus giving her even more opportunities to fall more and more deeply in love with him .
20 ‘ Patrick weighed 8lb 7oz — ‘ I 'm lucky he was a big baby , or I might have ended up having him even more quickly .
21 Societal divisions are such that neighbourhood patrols are dangerous and have to take on the appearance of armed convoys , but it is the style of policing which comes nearest to breaching the divide between the police and the community , so that the RUC is required to be persistent in utilizing it even though there are few obvious signs of success and despite the cost in human life .
22 This thing of subtracting , we carry on doing it even when it goes negative .
23 Taking a deep breath , as though she were about to plunge into deep water , which successfully parted her mouth , she had her exhaling breath cut off as his mouth touched hers , parting it even further , and a delicious shiver of pleasure went down her spine .
24 She found it only made things worse if she struggled , bringing her even more intimately against his muscular shape .
25 He was touching her even now , smoothing out her body , caressing her breasts , brushing back her hair .
26 Could n't he see that he was just organizing her even more ?
27 Then as his hand released her wrist and slid round against her back , drawing her even closer so that the warmth of him burned through her , something very strange suddenly happened inside her .
28 He sighed and let his hands slide round her shoulders , drawing her even closer towards him .
29 In the end it was David who spoke first , drawing her even closer to him and pulling the duvet round them both .
30 Both Mr Lewin and Mr Howard had displayed what could be called courage , Mr Lewin by throwing a punch at his assailant and Mr Howard by pursuing him even though he was being shot at .
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