Example sentences of "[v-ing] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 My time at the Housing Corporation was eventful in bringing me for the first , but no means last , time into contact with Mrs Thatcher when , on the fall of the Heath government , she became the shadow Minister of the Environment , in succession to the job she had had as Minister of Education .
2 I had no idea she was using me for a purpose of her own : I was too naive to realise until it dawned on me what it was , a few weeks later .
3 Try looking at people , objects and places as if you are seeing them for the first time without being influenced by what you have known about them in the past .
4 For me one of the greatest gifts is the ability to look at things as if you are seeing them for the first time .
5 The man looked at the boys as if seeing them for the first time .
6 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
7 Julius looked at her jeans and T-shirt , as if seeing them for the first time .
8 Eddie 's gaze ran on round the room , taking in , as if seeing them for the first time , the stool and easel , the framed reproduction Leonardo drawings on the walls , the low divan bed .
9 By a combination of Impressionist vision , imagination , a magical mastery of language , Proust uses À la recherche to explore often banal objects , often apparently dull people , often apparently trivial episodes , in such a way that he recreates them with a freshness , erm a power of conviction , that persuade us we 're actually seeing them with a privileged insight , or perhaps even seeing them for the first time .
10 He glared up at me as though seeing me for the first time .
11 Within a few days of seeing me for the first time , he summoned me once again to tell me that the Labour Party did not wish to continue with the action .
12 The debate will centre on alternative clauses : one outlawing all experiments on embryos from the moment of conception , the other ( the Warnock majority 's view ) allowing them for the first 14 days .
13 Finally , I read yesterday that some managers , most noticably the two Scots that were in Wembley at the weekend , are talking about banning transfers after the season start and only allowing them for a limited period over Christmas .
14 If these words , often carelessly spoken , can have such a long-term and devastating effect , think how much good we can do by encouraging our children and praising them for what they have achieved .
15 The principal method is the study of hoards , since coins have frequently been deposited in hoards for safe-keeping and their owners have often been prevented from recovering them for a variety of reasons such as death or forgetfulness .
16 We are most interested in the idea of networking , sharing skills such as translation and using them for distance learning . ’
17 Candidates using them for project or course work may have an advantage if spelling is one of the skills being tested .
18 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
19 If you have gas or coal fires , and can avoid using them for a while , it would be a useful addition to this list .
20 monitor current prescriptions to make sure that children are not using them for their first experiments with drugs .
21 God seems to get a real kick out of choosing people who think that they are useless , or who others think are useless , and using them for something important and useful .
22 ‘ Well over half of the clients that approach IMRS for consolidation software are currently using spreadsheets , and have discovered that there are all sorts of horrendous problems associated with using them for consolidation .
23 Cheapies are fine — I have been using them for years !
24 Nor did the Flemings feel that he was really supporting them ; he had appeared to be using them for his own ends .
25 The Greeks were fond of using them for mounting on earrings , but it was the Romans who developed a passionate interest in pearls .
26 Er , Switzerland is one country that has banned the use of animals for research , and I think we ought to be going along these lines that , if animals have rights we ought not to be using them for experimentation .
27 By taking V2s from here , from the mountains , shipping them back and using them for their own experiments .
28 But , increasingly , their own shops were also a highly successful means of serving this end ; many young couples were buying the lightweight fabrics , because they were so cheap , and using them for furnishing .
29 Using them for their filthy business .
30 But he had experienced complications when using them for logistics in Vietnam .
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