Example sentences of "[v-ing] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Forecasting for periods of three to five years ahead is as much a part of the corporate planning activity .
2 But , today , rapid changes in life expectancy , provision of international aid and the availability of birth control make forecasting for periods greater than five years difficult .
3 For instance , the high rate of scientific and technological development in the field of semiconductors during the past two or three decades has meant that technological forecasting has become a crucial part of sales and market forecasting for companies manufacturing electronic and telecommunication products , computers etc .
4 And just in case any men out there still need to be convinced that cleanliness is next to Robert Redfordness , how about the tale of a friend of mine who was desperate to impress a woman he had been pursuing for weeks .
5 Males can produce sperms at a faster rate than females can produce eggs , and are therefore selected to allocate more of their time to searching and competing for mates than are females .
6 Hundreds of chartered accountants have been made redundant and with the surfeit of candidates competing for vacancies , employers have been able to reduce salaries in some cases .
7 The inaugural Grand Finals of the Cellnet Singles Challenge — an enterprising national tennis tournament set up to boost competitive singles play in this country — were staged at Basingstoke 's sumptuous Centrecourt complex at the beginning of December , with some of the country 's leading club players competing for honours .
8 Disabled people from all over the country have been competing for honours in a carriage driving contest .
9 These would best be resolved by a form of cost-benefit which pays close attention to the social ‘ externalities ’ involved in investment projects , which compares the time profiles of return on projects competing for resources at non-usurious rates of discount , and which does not operate with the technocratic pretension that all factors in an investment decision can be rigorously quantified ( i.e. which does not disguise as purely technical questions matters which should properly be open to political debate ) .
10 Those seeking a central role for the state will doubtless query the advantages of setting up friendly societies competing for members , when a universal service is provided by the state .
11 With different teams competing for routes it 's difficult to know what 's new , but conditions have certainly been good this year .
12 East European countries are thus competing for the best western companies just as western companies are competing for contracts .
13 There are also signs that in the new era of competitiveness between them , institutions are becoming reluctant to open their course offerings to the critical gaze of panel members drawn from institutions competing for contracts with the funding bodies .
14 Fat and happy , banks saw no point in competing for customers with lower fees or interest rates .
15 Some 30 hopefuls from each age group will be selected for the finals , with the players competing for places in the Under-21 matches against Scotland and Wales , and the Under-18s United Kingdom and England tournament in Scotland .
16 Four crews are also competing for places in the Canadian doubles category though none has yet reached the required Olympic qualifying standard .
17 There are not enough young girls playing , not enough of them competing for places .
18 This not merely makes direct comparison difficult , but it may also mean that such comparisons would be of questionable value given that they would not relate to the actual situation in which traditional and non-traditional students are competing for places , and in which their work and achievement can be meaningfully compared .
19 The building industry , given an open field , competing for purchasers and paying a competitive price for its materials , will automatically be stimulated to invest in developing these modern methods , knowing that the reward of successful enterprise will in due course be reaped .
20 Hospitals are also encouraged to opt out of the NHS and become business-style ‘ self-governing trusts ’ competing for patients on a profit basis against other hospitals .
21 The provincial landscape of factions and fractions — localities squalling in impotence , absurdly competing for crumbs of resources , with no incentive to collaborate — is of course its own creation .
22 Schools are businesses , competing for pupils and cash .
23 Not only are primary schools in the neighbourhood competing for children but prep schools may also be attracting pupils out of the area too .
24 In competing for readers , papers supplied not contrasting contents but remarkably similar ones .
25 Indeed , 85 per cent of architects questioned in 1985 felt that rules on competing for fees had no effect .
26 The point appeared to be taken on board by UK energy minister Tim Eggar who acknowledged that there were other areas competing for shares of hard-pressed oil company budgets as the world oil prices fell back in real terms to pre-1974 levels .
27 Is there not some hypocrisy when the Opposition talk of problems of unemployment and housing , yet suggest that we add to them — — by advocating an open-door immigration policy that will mean more people coming to our constituencies and competing for homes and jobs ?
28 Thus Weber 's ( bureaucratic ) priests and ( charismatic ) prophets are producers of ‘ symbolic goods ’ competing for consumers among the ‘ laity ’ . ?
29 With the literal meaning of writing or drawing about whores , it may be applied nowadays to practically anything which affects the senses and excites sexual associations .
30 Below them , a large group of human subjects had been circling for hours around a roller rink set among the trees .
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