Example sentences of "[num] even [art] " in BNC.

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1 After verse 2 even the city itself remains nameless until verse 25 , by which time it is all over .
2 It is clear though that the economic tide was running very much in the party 's direction in 1915–16 ; in 1915 the first industrial tariffs for half a century were imposed , and by a Liberal Chancellor ; in 1916 even the Manchester Chamber of Commerce joined in the demand for industrial protection , causing the resignation of its chairman in protest at the abandonment of a century of belief in free trade .
3 Until the franchise process is complete for both Channel 3 and 5 even a preliminary sketch is difficult .
4 In 1922 even the Moscow intelligentsia continued to confuse Old and New Style dates .
5 In April 1861 even the head of the Third Department thought that the regime would be forced to grant a constitution , but he added that " not only would the emperor not make up his mind to assent to the gradual introduction of constitutional forms , but he had even spoken out firmly against it very recently and had evidently not changed his mind on the question " .
6 After all , back in the Thirties even the holiday posters would tell of ‘ Healthful Hartlepool — the most bracing air in the kingdom ’ .
7 When convocation met in December 1373 even the prelates were alienated from the crown , or at least from Gaunt and those who carried on the government in the king 's name : the attempt to levy an unprecedented tax of £50,000 in 1371 had aroused great resentment , aggravated in the next year when , in an effort to speed its collection , all the bishops of the southern province had their temporalities seized .
8 Fig 42 Even the best sailors sometimes take catapult falls .
9 Overwhelmed by Pamella 's beauty , she remembers what Mark Boxer once said to her : ‘ Darling , you are much better the way you are now ; at 40 even the most beautiful women fall apart . ’
10 At a fateful meeting in March 1982 even the manager of the wave energy programme , Clive Grove-Palmer , was deliberately excluded .
11 In the first volume which concentrated on recordings dating from 1920 to 1931 even the dim and distant sound can not mar the sheer charisma of much of the playing .
12 By 1967 even the refugees , the last vestige of things Palestinian to the outside world , had become a permanent and institutionalized presence under each host government , and half of them were by then Jordanian citizens .
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