Example sentences of "[num] years it " in BNC.

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1 Demolition trains became a regular sight on Sundays during 1987 however , and for the first time in over 30 years it was possible to photograph trains without the hindrance of electric stanchions .
2 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
3 After nearly 30 years it is the station 's biggest single money-spinner , accounting for the lion 's share of its sales to the ITV network .
4 Having been a teacher for over 30 years it might seem strange that I should begin a book on primary education by reflecting on the significance of schooling .
5 this one was the biggest and best in a long while … for the first time in 30 years it was open to professionals as well as amateurs and drew in two former world champions in Tony Doyle and Danny Clark and three Milk Race winners in …
6 Over the past 2 years it has been subject to extensive repairs and its site to archaeological investigation .
7 It is one of the remotest places in the British Isles … for forty years it has been the victim of a real topographical tragedy … a manufacturing town of 50,000 people where a rural centre of 20,000 would have been sufficient .
8 For over forty years it was illegal in Indonesia to kill , capture or keep an orang-utan in captivity .
9 Although hailed at the time as ‘ the most important discovery in England [ and perhaps ] … of greater importance than any other yet made at home or abroad ’ , during the next forty years it became increasingly difficult to reconcile this hominid with the burgeoning human fossil record from Asia and Africa .
10 For nearly 300 years it achieved notoriety for its private madhouses .
11 But for me , all the time , it is a reminder that for 49 years it replaced wedding anniversary celebrations , and the memory of all those bonfires on the way to Bournemouth on a drizzly November afternoon , all those years ago .
12 There is also considerable evidence ( as marshalled by Ingram 1975 ) to suggest that up to the age of six years it is mainly short , simple but still hierarchically structured sentences that the child is able to produce .
13 In only six years it has become a significant nature reserve in its own right .
14 According to Ata'i , Baghdad became a mevleviyet only in 947/1540–1 , some six years after the Ottomans had taken it : a marginal note adds that for those six years it had been administered by kasabat kadis .
15 The picture which has emerged over the last five or six years it is very different than the one painted above .
16 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
17 While this study is limited to one university and deals with a relatively small intake of mature students over a period of six years it does demonstrate that non-standard entry mature students can do particularly well when compared with other students .
18 We , we , it 's fairly clear that the manual gears is virtually , within five or six years it 's going to be very , very , very small .
19 POLICEWOMAN Pauline Tilley said afterwards on behalf of the grieving families : ‘ If the judge had given Gooch 100 years it would probably not be enough , because you can not bring the lives of five children back . ’
20 However , there have been changes of contrast and changes of detail on time scales from years to days , and for at least 100 years it has been widely realized that we are seeing the tops of richly coloured clouds that cover the entire planet .
21 For the past 100 years it has ejected more than 1,000 tonnes of chlorine into the atmosphere every day .
22 Pentagon hardliners , who have opposed a chemical weapons ban on the grounds that it could not be verified adequately , suggested the idea of seeking continued production of the new ‘ binary ’ weapons during the 10 years it would take to eliminate all arsenals .
23 For the next 10 years it basked in its monopoly , with radio still supreme , as TV came slowly out of the shadows .
24 The CBOE began with option contracts on only 16 blue chip shares , but within 10 years it and 3 other exchanges offered about 9500 different option contracts on 350 securities ( out of a total of about 6,000 US listed stocks ) .
25 In the next 5 to 10 years it 'll come through strong .
26 British Gas said that over the last 10 years it has lost about 2,000 workers a year with the switch to natural gas .
27 There can be no doubt that in the 112 years it has been standing on the embankment it has become a part of the London scene .
28 For 45 years it was the home of the Wiltshire historian Canon Jackson .
29 I mean for instance on the question of identification after 45 years it 's very difficult , I saw that in the Demianuk trial , to get satisfactory er evidence , but of course er I think British rules of evidence probably would simply mean it was excluded if that was the case , and it was fairly done and the law were n't changed and it was the law as it stands er then I 'd be in favour of it .
30 Over the past eight years it has halved in size ( from 6500 staff in 30 institutes ) and simultaneously it has changed its entire research strategy .
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