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1 Government revenues for the financial year ending in November 1991 had shown a considerable reduction compared with the previous financial year .
2 Health Ministry figures released on Nov. 26 had shown that more than 68,000 people , including 19,863 children , had died between Aug. 2 , 1990 ( the date of Iraq 's invasion of Quwait ) , and September 1991 from a shortage of medicines .
3 Experience with 761 had shown that loading and unloading at the same door was too slow on the Promenade .
4 The social crisis of 1963 had shown that de Gaulle was not immune to traditional sources of political dissatisfaction .
5 One consequence of this was that only two Western publishers exhibited at the 1992 Belgrade Book Fair , where 90 had shown their books in 1990 .
6 The elections of 1906 and 1910 had shown the danger to the Unionist party from a Liberal-Labour alliance on class lines ; the budget of 1909 had shown how far that alliance might threaten the social base on which Unionism itself rested ; and the encroachments of the syndicalists suggested that there might be dangerous forces yet to be released .
7 World War II had shown America and Russia to be the important world political powers .
8 If the cavalry were still , in every sense , the army 's natural leaders , the victories of the Flemish burgher forces and militia over French knights at Courtrai in July 1302 , and that of the mountaineers of Schwyz and Uri over the formidable feudal array of knights and footmen belonging to Leopold of Austria at Morgarten in November 1315 had shown what could be done in conditions and terrain unsuited to the effective use of cavalry .
9 Lloyd George , President of the Board of Trade from 1906 to 1908 had shown much sympathy for trade unions faced by intransigent employers ; his immediate successor , Winston Churchill , was more ambivalent but , even Tillett conceded , " patient , courteous and at pains to try to resolve problems " .
10 Even Thomas Hearne , a Nonjuring Jacobite who himself was convinced that James III was the legitimate King , nevertheless thought that the reason why people were becoming more sympathetic to a Stuart restoration was a result of the favour George I had shown to the Whigs : He hath turned the Tories out , and filled all places with those of the Whiggish party .
11 Although a notice at the entrance to the Room indicated that the Survey was being conducted , and invited visitors to co-operate by completing a questionnaire , a pilot survey in 1980 had shown that a satisfactory response rate could be obtained only if this was reinforced by a personal approach to visitors .
12 If the 1960s had shown that the armed struggle was not in itself sufficient , the most frequently drawn ‘ lesson of Chile ’ was that the Left could not afford to dispense with it entirely , since the bourgeoisie ultimately would not hesitate to use force in defence of their interests .
13 Analysis in 1983 had shown no excess of cancer deaths in Glasgow clinic patients compared with Renfrew-Paisley controls .
14 Responses to a questionnaire sent to NHS authorities in March 1988 had shown that only 8 per cent of employers requires nurses and health visitors to undertake re-entry programmes before employment , even though individuals might have had substantial breaks in service .
15 Her first upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in 1988 had shown more than 20 polyps , between 0.5 mm and 5 mm in size .
16 Of 65 right handed patients who had post-operative aphasia , 54 had shown some effect of stimulation on their speech and a further 10 out of 15 right handed patients showed aphasic arrest during cortical stimulation but had no post operative aphasia .
17 The elections of 1906 and 1910 had shown the danger to the Unionist party from a Liberal-Labour alliance on class lines ; the budget of 1909 had shown how far that alliance might threaten the social base on which Unionism itself rested ; and the encroachments of the syndicalists suggested that there might be dangerous forces yet to be released .
18 The final resolution adopted by the congress stressed that the 1980s had shown that neither the free market nor central planning had been able to alleviate unemployment and poverty .
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