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1 29 Beauchamp Place , SW3 24 Brook Street , W1 Sale starts January 2 for about three weeks .
2 153 New Bond Street , W1 32 Sloane Street , SW1 Sale starts January 2 for about three weeks .
3 The A174 between Ship Inn Bank , Saltburn and Coach Road , Brotton , will close to through traffic from April 22 for about 10 days for re-surfacing work .
4 They were ( i ) the reduction of the budget deficit from 24 per cent of GDP in 1988 to 10 per cent in 1990 ; ( ii ) cutting inflation to around 7 per cent in 1993 from about 14 per cent in 1989 ; and ( iii ) achieving a current-account balance in 1993 from a deficit equivalent to 6 per cent of GDP in 1988 .
5 The site 's workforce has been cut from 1,600 to about 1,000 over the past three years .
6 If one were writing the history of Western Europe in the period from about 330 to about 700 ad , there would , inevitably , be two major themes .
7 Response rates varied from 98% in 1968–70 to about 90% in subsequent five year spans .
8 During this period the population of Danzig rose from about 50,000 in the 1830s to about 70,000 by 1860 .
9 The Pentagon 's procurement budget has fallen from $97 billion in 1985 to about $67 billion in the current fiscal year and further cuts are in prospect .
10 The predicted HO 2 concentration for the middle six hours of 15 January is 3.6x10 8 molecules cm -3 , in good agreement with the ‘ measured ’ value ( from equation ( 7 ) ) of 3x10 8 molecules cm -3 , especially as the ‘ measured ’ value makes no provision for photolytic loss of H 2 O 2 and so underestimates HO 2 by about 20% .
11 Pile back into the potato shells , then bake in the oven at 220°C ( 450°F ) Gas mark 7 for about 20min .
12 Yeah , six for about two quid .
13 It does not appear that there is any large scale production in this country , although there was a seizure in 1991 of about 0.7 kilo apparently made in a saucepan .
14 Callejas , the PN candidate , had been elected on Nov. 26 with about 50 per cent of the vote .
15 The quota system , which critics claim permits poached ivory to enter legal trade , was set up as African elephant numbers fell from an estimated 1.3 million in 1979 to about 600,000 today .
16 A raft of exceptional items also included an £18 million write-down on the investment in Power Corporation , £18 million of reconstruction and redundancy costs , which saw the workforce whittled down from 30,000 to about 25,000 , and £63 million of further provisions made on land and property assets .
17 The numbers recorded each winter are very variable , ranging since 1947 , for example , from three in the winter of 1960/61 to about 1,670 in the winter of 1962/63 .
18 The 2 per cent incentive comes to an end on 5 April and in the new tax year the national insurance rebate will drop from 5.8 to 4.8 per cent or , grossed up with tax relief , from about 6.5 to about 5.4 per cent .
19 Renberg and Hellberg ( 1982 ) , for example , analysed diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores in south-west Sweden and found that since deglaciation of the area about 12,500 years ago , the pH of the lakes had decreased from about 7 to about 6 due to natural long-term oligotrophication and acidification .
20 If you have a computer … youre half way there … if not you could get a cheap Amiga500 or 600 for about 200 quid .
21 I 've been working mainly on girls ' education really from about eighteen ninety to about nineteen thirty and that 's what has mainly occupied me research wise .
22 Christopher Foster and his colleagues estimate that total local expenditure in Great Britain , both current and capital , ‘ increased from about 3 per cent of GNP in 1870 to about 18 per cent in 1975 ’ ( Foster et al .
23 But church membership has plunged from nearly 8,000 in 1984 to about 2,000 .
24 Under Section 6 of the 1978 Act , which provides support for improvements to buildings , this amounted in 1984 to about £11,000 per job — which was relatively cost-effective .
25 Fragments of lacquerware have been excavated dating from as long ago as the Shang Dynasty ( from about 1700 to about 1000 BC ) , but it was during the Han Dynasty ( 206 BC to AD 220 ) that lacquer painting flourished .
26 In practice , we interpret this figure to be from 31 to about 35 or so .
27 The population of Pimhill Hundred , in which Myddle lay , rose by two-thirds between 1563 and 1672 ; Myddle 's population during that period increased from about 270 to about 450 .
28 Turn the creamy custard mixture into a well-buttered pie dish of 3 pt capacity and bake at 350°F ( 180°C ) gas mark 4 for about 25 min until set round the edges but still a little wobbly in the centre .
29 Pour the mixture into a greased and floured tin ( in the shape of a ring if you have one ) and bake at 180°C , 350°F , Gas Mark 4 for about an hour until cooked .
30 141 Kings Road , SW3 Concession at Harvey Nichols , SW1 Sale starts January 5 for about three weeks , with many items down 40-50 per cent .
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