Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're encouraging the type of spreadsheet design where instead of having your profit and loss , cash flow and so on all together on one page , you have page one as an index , page two as the balance sheet , page three as the p&l and so forth . ’
2 Let us consider now a somewhat different example where instead of uniform translation the loop rotates in a constant magnetic field .
3 An example of the latter type of shift is shown in figure 13.22 , where instead of time dependence measurements the frequency dependence of the β-relaxation in poly ( vinyl acetate ) has been studied at fixed temperatures in the range 212 to 266 K. A master curve can be constructed for this relaxation region by plotting against , where the ‘ max ’ subscript refers to the peak maximum at each experimental temperature .
4 The answer they came up with was the cash unit trust — where instead of investing in equities , they invest in high interest cash deposit accounts or into a variety of fixed interest securities such as gilts or local authority bonds .
5 A formula has been devised where instead of any attempts at recalling the Scottish parliament , the three parties convene their own summit as a parliamentary forum for debate on issues such as future water and sewerage delivery .
6 But it is certainly intelligible , both as an account of the original motives inspiring such legislation and as the specification of an aim widely held to be worth pursuing , to say that the law is here concerned with the suffering , albeit only of animals , rather than with the immorality of torturing them .
7 This raises the prior question of whether we can usefully speak of control , except perhaps of systems controlled by people .
8 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
9 I only pause to observe at this stage that the decision , although obviously of great importance , was not concerned with the terms upon which interim relief in the form of an interlocutory injunction should be granted .
10 The authors , stress on cognition has the advantage that it leads to an appreciation of the importance of the distribution of knowledge about what goods should represent , rather than merely of the distribution of the goods themselves .
11 The leaflets , softer in tone than much of the BMA campaign , suggest that hospitals that fail to compete in the new NHS market could go bankrupt ; GPs will be forced to compete for patients , with those that take on more having less time for patients ; while ‘ opted out ’ hospitals may drop some specialist services if they are not financially viable .
12 Unfortunately some of this work was done without a proper appreciation of the fact that the presence of tree growth , and the shade it gave , prevented or at least discouraged the growth of water weeds , the existence of which could form an even greater obstruction than much of the tree growth .
13 One of the main differences comes about through contact with Scotland , through seasonal emigration : it has left its mark both in technical features ( in the bowing , for example ) and in the repertoire of tunes — and to my ears , brought up in Scotland to ear fiddling at many Highland gatherings , the Music does have a more familiar ring than much of the rest of Irish music .
14 Heavy Wealden clay made wet-weather travel an unenviable experience , but it was often little worse than much of the rest of England .
15 To be sure , such a reconstituted social psychology will be more ‘ social ’ than much of current social psychology , and a rhetorical emphasis would direct attention to problems which currently tend to be overlooked .
16 Certainly Verbivore is characteristic of its cybernetic times in that it is more ‘ user-friendly ’ than much of Brooke-Rose 's previous work .
17 Some people worry that feeding the birds is somehow unnatural , but gardens are No more unnatural than much of the British landscape , and the birds which visit our gardens are merely demonstrating the natural behaviour of flocking to exploit the sudden abundance of a source of food , whether it 's a heavy infestation of caterpillars or seeds and nuts put out on the lawn .
18 And although much of this was , by the record that he gives , painful , at the very end of it he says , quote , ‘ I found to my surprise that I was quite glad to be done with the whole subject ’ .
19 Evidence in favour of this interpretation of the phrase ‘ the physical environment ’ is found in DoE Circular 55/77 ( now withdrawn ) which made it clear that a statement of pollution policy could appropriately form part of a structure plan , albeit necessarily of a general nature since they are policies stated by an authority ( county council ) responsible neither for air pollution control nor for most development control .
20 It is much more likely that the periods we call constant saw some small changes and the intervening periods , although generally of more rapid fall , were punctuated by minor stillstands .
21 Members of this genus are common parasites of the small intestine in very young animals and , although generally of little pathogenic significance , under certain circumstances may give rise to a severe enteritis .
22 Most of the marble and treasures have gone — destroyed , re-used or now in museums — but a clearer idea can be gained here than elsewhere of what such Roman palaces were like .
23 He thought more than once of Antwerp as a possible bolt-hole .
24 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
25 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
26 We are all more aware than ever of environmental matters and the need to protect our surroundings .
27 They are fearful today , however , that the republican machine that won more votes than any other party in Belfast is on a high , more hopeful than ever of blasting the Government into submission , in the longer term .
28 Sleeping , Cranston reminded the friar more than ever of the huge bear in the bailey of the Tower .
29 Bigger , than both of them .
30 It would be bigger than both of them .
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